Chapter 19 Monti's Grief

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Chapter 19 Monti's Grief

"You followed them? Did you find them? Did they spot you?", Myra's eyes sparkle at Papa Yim.

"I just ran into the forest at first and followed my feeling. Blue's aura had settled into me and I tried to follow it. And then on the first night it was Monti's screams that showed me the way. All living creatures fled from the sound of fear. Only I searched for it. And finally found the three travellers," Papa Yim sighs, remembering silently.

Myra sees his deep thoughts and turns her gaze to Papa Blue.

His warm eyes are equally absorbed.

The fathers of the North tour their past.

And Monti's grief hovers heavy in the atmosphere.

Myra takes a deep breath and gives them their time.

Until Papa Blue's voice, dispels the silence.

"Monk Saen's skin couldn't take the sunlight. We were sheltered by the shadows in the forest, but even the shade during the day burned his white skin. The blue temple was a safe place for him. Only at night did his appearance shine in the moonlight. And so he explained to me that Monti was to be healed by the aura of love during the day and by the aura of light at night," his warm voice rang out in the hut in the blue glade, "I listened to his wise words and had the way of healing explained to me," Papa Blue peers into Myra's attentive eyes, "Monk Saen's apparition itself made everything shine, his words then all understood," he describes the Son of the blue temple.

And Papa Yim's flames hissed softly from him.

"Yes, Papa Blue was quite fascinated by this young man. He listened to him with wide eyes and an enchanted smile. I saw him hanging on his lips and letting him guide him everywhere," Yim cannot cover his jealousy even after so many years.

And Myra grins as Papa Blue giggles.

And the crackling atmosphere is interrupted again by Blue.

"Monk Saen explained to me the grief of six-year-old Monti. A child is not able to express his feelings freely. The sudden death of his parents lingered in his young soul. And the evil spirits showed themselves at night and paralysed him during the day," Blue is interrupted by Yim.

"Not evil spirits. His loss. His loss quivered in his young soul. His nightmares sought to process the terrible feelings. And during the day he was in a state of shock. Grief can only be worked through when an outlet is created for the pain," Papa Yim explains.

And Myra looks again at Blue, who now interrupts Yim.

"This is what Papa Yim learnt from Dr Bozandi. A trauma therapist who attracted Papa Yim with her beauty and showed him the worldly ways of processing," it now hisses from his lips.

"I didn't even know Dr Bozandi then. But her knowledge is truly fascinating and important for grief work," Yim squints at his Blue.

And Myra hears again that crackling atmosphere between the Fathers of the North.

Two wise men who had created a community of healing.

Two lovers who are lost, young souls an appointed family.

Two opposites from the same element.

Free Love had led them to each other and still today the atmosphere flames when they believe each other lost.

"There seem to be many ways to go through grief. Which way did you go with Monti?" asks Myra finally.

And Papa Blue gives her a smile and describes their month-long journey.

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