Chapter 17 The Aura of Light

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Chapter 17 The Aura of Light

The encounter between Brother Blue and Monk Saen will forever remind Yim.

And any memory of that time will make him burn.

They all stood in front of the white temple and first saw Monk Nobit walking ahead.

Behind him followed Monk Saen.

And Yim's eyes wandered the apparition Nobit had told them about.

"I met the then seventeen-year-old boy two years ago. The blue temple was the first stop on my year-long trek. And in no other temple after that did I encounter such an aura," Monk Nobit had described.

They had all been in the white temple.

Even after two months, Monti could not sleep peacefully.

And he spoke less and less.

An otherwise cheerful child was increasingly losing the colour of life.

Blue had put his bed next to him.

And Yim now saw his brother giving his aura to the little boy in the night.

He too was worried.

And Monti's cries at night penetrated deep into his soul, awakening the most terrible memories.

And even though his heart ached for Blue's closeness, his mind would not tolerate envious thoughts.

The son of the temple now directed his silent love to Monti.

And Yim began to lose himself longer and longer and more and more in the psychological books.

They had all sought the path of healing and finally met to hear Monk Nobit's idea.

After two months, a special monk was to be called.

"I admit that I was immediately intrigued by his appearance. And since I did not know who he was, I went straight into the light that opened up to me," Monk Nobit had this light before his eyes, "Before me stood the young monk Saen. The Son of the blue temple. With the aura of light," Yim had immediately seen Blue's eyes widen, "his story is so sad and enlightening at the same time. He was born with a congenital metabolic disorder. His hair, skin and eyes carry no pigment. Albinism results in little or no melanin being produced. No colour. White. As bright as light itself," Nobit had described, "And his parents could not believe what made them so different from others. Saen spent his first two years of life only in his room. The light is always a danger to him. And the parents hid their white boy from the eyes of everyone else. A child with white, full hair. White skin. And red shimmering eyes. In a rural village where all black eyes look closely. Where the black-haired head turns away. Where in the midst of sunny field work, judgement is passed on others," Nobit had shaken his head.

"Albinism can occur in all living things. It is not uncommon. But small minds are everywhere in the world!" monk Pali had added.

And Nobit nodded to his brother and reported further.

"The parents were still very young and Saen was their first child. They decided to take him to safety and hope for more, healthy children. He was taken in at the Blue Temple when he was two years old. And there he found his destiny. His gift illuminates the darkness. He is known to drive away evil spirits," Nobit had been interrupted by Yim.

"Nightmares have nothing to do with evil spirits!", Yim had at least shouted with a wai.

Still, Blue's look was to refer him to his disrespectful interruption.

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