Chapter 30 The Cave of the Self

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Chapter 30 The Cave of the Self

Blue ran as fast as his buzzing legs would allow.

Over the fertile ground that supported all the life in the green north.

He leapt over stones.

Stroked the warm trunks of the quaint trees.

Breathed the woody scent of the humid atmosphere.

His origin held him securely in its arms.

Yet he ran to find himself again.

Everything seemed to have sprung from a new sphere.

And every familiar corner of the forest shone with completely new feelings in his soul.


His other side.

His destiny.

The Aura of fear had opened up a whole new sphere for Blue.

And ignited the surges of his first lust.

Blue's heart flickered in excited rhythm as he ran to the river of life.

His dream had sent him a message.

And his body was possessed by the images that had burned into his mind.

He struggled to cool down.

Felt ashamed of the wet outpouring of his loins.

What had happened to him?

And why was his body just screaming with desire?

Again and again a new feeling welled up in his soul.

And his mind felt weakened at the most primal force of these flames.


His other side.

His destiny.

Blue's breath wanted to belong eternally only to him.

Like a divine instance, Yim had superimposed himself over Blue's aura.

And made him foam.

To glow and burn.

And when Blue finally arrived at the river, the most sensual images popped into his mind again.

How his divine love tasted him.

Lying on him.


On the bank.

Blue felt the swelling power of his Yim on his body.

And he drew the air into his lungs with pleading thrusts at the surges that erupted within him.


He longed so intensely for his Yim.


There he wanted to lie under him again.

And taste his tongue and his lips.

And as the flashes of pleasure from his hot dream overwhelmed him, he writhed.

The centre of his body stretched.

And the tingling messengers made his loins scream.

What on earth had happened to him?

And Blue decided to run.

Down the river of life.

He wanted to find a place that didn't remind him of his Yim.

The Aura of love sought his inner peace.

The burning sought extinguishment.

And the river of life led him to the source of the self.

A waterfall resounded its melody into the atmosphere.

The finest drops of water misted the air.

And just 5 metres below, an emerald pool of water welcomed all the flowing power of life.

Such a beautiful sight of natural perfection.

Green ferns caressed the stony banks.

Tall trees lined the path of life in safe brown.

And Blue smiled taken by the sight of beauty.

And he leapt with free soul into the pool of noblest purity.

Emerald caressed the Aura of love.

And Blue's body let itself be washed clean by the power of the spirits.

With soft melody he swam in the pool.

Dipped into the emerald green and wriggled in the cool water.

And his eyes gave him a moment of peace.

All the images of lust died away as he raised his gaze to the waterfall.

Free flow.

Free sound.

He swam to the foaming impact and submerged himself.

His eyes admired the rushing swirl.

A mixture.

A symbiosis.

Water to water.

Vast volumes roaring loudly.

And gentle calm receives them in loving form.

And this symbiosis allows Blue's soul to sense the preordained truth.

Love and fear are promised to each other.

In eternal intoxication, fear is received by love.

And in the process soothes every uncertain flame.

Blue felt his source shoot into the next sphere.


His other side.

His destiny.

Eternally, he wants to receive him.

To feel him within him and unite with him.

A soulful cry of Free Love made him feel himself.

And as his lungs begat the desire for life, Blue swam through the wild symbiosis.

He reappeared behind it and only his ears were able to pick up the echo of the union.

He rubbed the water from his eyes and breathed hastily.

And his sarong swam brightly in the light-dimmed shelter behind the waterfall.

Blue looked around as his eyes became aware of the atmosphere.

And they widened in delight as he caught sight of the rocky outcrop leading to a cave.

An cave of self was waiting for Blue.

And the aura of love shone amidst the damp masses of stone.

A small cave that reflected the fluttering light of the waterfall.

The wet stone surface glistened at intervals, inviting Blue to touch it.

He lay down on the ground and touched the stony wall.

Wet and smooth.

And his own hand as he did so made him remember all the images again.

"Yim!", a sound of lust escaped his lips, "Yim!", hot longing flowed through his veins.

And in the midst of himself, he dug his hands into his chest.

And simply allowed what he so dreaded.

"Yim!" his hands felt the flowing beat of his heart.

And his loins began to stir.

He pulled his legs to his body and felt the swelling force crave friction.

"Ohh, Yim!" his hips swayed, "I'm on fire, Yim!" he covered his glowing head with his arms.

Huddled together, he lay in the cave of self, letting lust overtake him.

And his lutes dug deeper and deeper into his arms hiding them as he rubbed his burning centre against his legs.

And in spirit at his Yim.

In his soul at his love.

Fell Blue free from a peak he had never seen so high.

"Yim!", Blue extinguished himself for the first time, "Yim!", he called his other side, "I'm glad to see you!", Blue's cheeks and longing eyes glowed as he caught sight of Yim at their tree.

He had extinguished himself and could feel the powers flowing within him again.

And nothing would have been more urgent than the desire to finally rush to his Yim.

He had left him alone.

And now knew the cave of the self.

Blue now felt safer in the new sphere of Free Love.

He quickly ran to their tree and saw his Yim.

Facing his hands, he accomplished his purpose at the tree trunk.

And when he heard Blue's voice, he quickly turned and covered his carving.

"I missed you!" looked Yim into the most beautiful face of all the spheres.

"I've missed you too!", Yim's bass tingled against Blue's ear as he welcomed him into his arms.

And no words can describe what two loving bodies feel when they finally touch.

Warm waves of eternal love flowed through their souls.

In alternating dance, their hearts sang the melody of happiness.

And Blue rubbed his face in the crook of Yim's neck with a happy giggle.

A sound that, combined with this closeness, now makes Yim's growl ring out into even deeper octaves.

A tremor runs through Yim's body and only the creatures of the night can detect his deep howl.

A deep, dark lust hums in his fibres.

Yet he had sworn not to press his Blue.

This magical creature of love deserved only gentle tenderness.

And Yim closed his eyes in their embrace, practising control.

While Blue caressed his neck with his face.

And his giggles wet his skin.

Yim received.

Every sweet scent of divine sensuality.

Every touch that made his young body howl.

The Aura of fear was ready to be taken and guided by the Aura of love.

And forever he wants to give his Blue the highest attributes.

"Were you in the river?", Yim stroked Blue's wet hair.

And Blue left the safest place of all spheres at Yim's neck and looked into his face.

He stroked the long strands out of his eyes.

And let him glimpse the most beautiful smile.

"Yes, I washed myself in the river of life!" his big, warm eyes beamed.

Yim's lips mirrored the sight of happiness.

"I didn't follow you!" he proudly sought his praise.

And Blue's wild giggles only outwardly showed what was wagging hotly inside him.

Yim looked so stunningly cute.

And Blue could only see him among all the hot flames.

If Yim had followed him.

If Yim had been there.

And Blue suddenly couldn't look him in the eye.

"So, what did you do?" he seeks the distraction.

These deep currents in his body seem so uncontrolled.

And Blue was only just finding his balance again, after all.


His other side.

His destiny was now right in front of him.

Held him in his arms.

And Blue understood that some flames are never meant to be extinguished.

Only appeasement can dim their blazing power.

Gently, Blue pulled himself out of this attraction and squinted at Yim.

"I have prepared a surprise for you!", Blue's big eyes looked at him again, "But you must close your eyes!", Yim pulled at his arm, turned him around and put his hands over Blue's eyes.

And his body leaned against Blue's as he led him the few steps to their tree.

"I spent the time without you thinking only of you!" he whispered in Blue's ear.

And as he put his hands around Blue and gave him sight, he woke the spirits of eternity in the green mountains of the north.

"Yim!", Blue held his astonished face with both hands.

Yim had removed the piece of sarong that had bound Blue to the trunk with the blue weave of its origin.

New, blue, delicate flowers were twining around the thick trunk.

And at the site of his wound he had carved a message to his Blue.


My Blue!

I adore you, my Blue!

Yim loves Blue!

And the delicate flowers lined the deep tracks in the rustic brown.

Blue's heart allowed the beat of his soul to shoot into his veins.

And his fingertips sensed the future for the first time.

The Fathers of the North were to be part of a medal from time immemorial.

And their tree now bore their names united.

And his tear-filled eyes turned to his other side.

"Yim! I love you! You are my other side! My destiny!" he lifted his head the last bit up to Yim's cheek.

And the kiss of their Free Love showed them both their eternity.

And Yim's lips followed his destiny and pressed against Blue's glowing cheek too.

And intoxicated by love, they breathed each other with floating hearts.

And all their fibre sprang from the cave of self and showed their desire.

Yim dared not move as Blue's cheek rested against his.

His arms hung down his body.

Waiting for the next moment.

Ready for the call of their souls.

A call that Blue heard resounding loudly within him.

That closeness.

To his Yim.

Never had he thought lips could scream silently.


The Aura of love glimpsed the urges of self for the first time.

And Blue's arms slowly encircled the desired body.

And gave Yim direction at last.

And in their intimate embrace, their cheeks still burned pressed together.

And those few inches to their yearning lips seemed to possess, all the powers of life.

A gravity pulled them.

A hot attraction that guided their faces.

Their lips.

So close.

And Blue's hot breath against Yim's skin.

And the waiting desire for the taste of love.

And when Yim's hands squeezed the adored body a little tighter.

As his fingers dug into that delight.

When he could no longer resist his greatest desire.

Just one kiss.

Just Blue's lips on his.

When Yim pressed him harder against him.

Blue was doused with the flaming embers of his lust.


Everything was showing itself to him.

All the sounds from the cavern of self.

A hot lust made him erect again.

And an equally hot shame overwhelmed him.

His lust cried out.

He almost lost the ground under his feet with desire.

And he was not in his cave.


The source of his cave could glimpse him like this.

And shame made Blue flee again.

He pulled back, unable to look at Yim.

"Let's go to the others! They must be waiting for us!" he took Yim by the hand.

And Yim's body hummed from the roiling impulses in his body as he was pulled back to the temple by Blue.

No kiss.

And sad lips that smiled mutely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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