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Chapter 11

Karl, I know what my aunt did was wrong and she betrayed you and your dad. I know you guys are ready to forgive her. No, you guys have forgiven her. But we both don't deserve to be here. So, I want to leave, and I will take my aunt with me. "I said," as his eyes teared up. Amelia, I really appreciate your concern about me, but I want to live the rest of my life with my family. I know you want to leave here because you feel guilty because of my actions. But you forgot something that you are punishing Karl, which is not his mistake, "My aunt said as I looked at Karl, who was standing with tears in his eyes.

"Karl," I called him as he looked like a child. Im sorry, I will do whatever you tell me Now, I give you all the rights to punish me for what my aunt did for me. I said and kneel down in front of Karl. Amelia. If you want to walk away from our relationship I wont stop you from doing it. Because I respect your decision. But what you are doing is purely stupidity. I never saw you as my mothers niece and I never going to. Amelia, We love each other part of my heart is with you and Im really happy because my wifes aunt really tried hard to make her happy I didnt feel loved even with my mother but when I am with you the whole world is different to me. Amelia, You are world to me and I trust in you. So stay with me Will you? He said with puppy eyes.

Tears fell down like they were falls because I found the meaning of my life. I found a person who loves me for who I am and the pain in my heart also faded. Now my heart is only filled with Karl's love. I nodded my head and ran towards him and jumped on him. I showered him with my kiss. I love you Karl, I love you so much. I said. Cant you keep your head in one place? He grinned at me and kissed me on my lips. Much better, the gentle kiss I can feel our soul is connected deep inside.

While we were kissing, everyone in there started to cough, Remember, We are still here. They said as we pulled off for the sake of them. While Four of us are smiling in happiness. Amelia, You ruined your mothers rebirth yet how can you smile happily. We heard a voice as we four turned to see. Yes, it was that bastard.. I am even ashamed that he is my father.. That disgusts me I looked at him with disgust. It could be much better, If you were dead instead of my mom. I said and looked away..

I looked at him with disgust. It could be much better, If you were dead instead of my mom. I said and looked away.. Amelia, Its your dad. Karl insisted. Oh I doubt that.. I said as his eyes lit with anger. So, you are ashamed to say that Im your father Amelia? You are like your mother. You guys never going to understand my love for you.. It doesnt matter how much I really try harder to prove myself.. Still you guys abandon me in last. He said in anger with tears

Do you like to act much? And You think I will trust you? I said in a sarcastic way. You bitch.. You dont deserve to be my daughter. He yelled at me. I smiled at him sarcastically. You dont even deserve to be animal. I said. Just kill me, I dont want to live. At least I can join my wife in the world of the dead". He said as I stood like a statue. Karl, aunt and Karls father were looking at me for my answer. Then what are you looking at? Just kill him and finish this story. I said as Karl sighed. Amelia, You cant be cruel to your father. he said. My father died when I was child. The man who is standing in front of me is a stranger. I dont care about his business. I said as Karl held my hand.

Look dear, You are human.. I heard Humans are kind and warm, You cant turn your back on your father. Apart from that, He is your father who loves your mother anything else. Okay, I agree.. What he did to us is very very wrong but you have to think on his side too. He said, no more than saying like he pleaded for my father. But Im not a saint or anything. Im a normal human who has every feeling. By pleading for my father, he proved that animals hearts are kinder than humans. Karl, Im saying to you.. He has more venom than snakes.. His tears are like crocodile tears. I said but again Karl insisted on forgiving him.

I know him more than anyone else. Forgiving my dad is not a good idea While Karl insisted on forgiving him. Every guard loosened their grip on my father. He chose that moment to attack Karl.. He threw a knife towards Karl as my eyes widened. In a fraction of second my aunt stood between them and that knife tasted my aunts blood. I wont stand still, I ran toward him to attack but I was too weak to attack him. When everyone is ready to attack him. He placed a knife in my throat.

But this time Karl didnt stand still. He changed into animal form and attacked My dad severely. Like my dad's head is in Karls mouth. I stood in fear with chillness. Karl ran here and there clenching my dads neck in his mouth. His blood was shedding everywhere. I tried to stop Karl but Karls dad told me that I cant stop him. Due to high shock I fainted.

When I opened my eyes I saw my aunt and Karl's dad were in tears and Karl stood in guilt. What happened? I asked them worriedly. When Karls dad opened his mouth to talk, my aunt held his hand and said Amelia, You are pregnant dear. When I heard these words I couldn't stop my tears and smile. But the only thing I couldnt understand is Karls expression.

I looked at him confusingly. Karl what happened? I asked him in a worried tone. But he just left. I couldn't understand. When I turned towards Karls dad and my aunt. They just told me to take a rest and left. I couldn't understand. The way they were acting was so weird. Still I felt dizzy so I slept again.

In the morning, Karl left before I woke up, I dont know why? I felt so heartbreaking. I couldnt control my tears. I ran to my aunt and started to cry. Aunt, I dont know why, Karl is avoiding me. Since Im pregnant. Does he not want this child? Then What should I do with this baby? I cried so much. Amelia, First you have to calm down, You are pregnant. Karl is avoiding you because Y-You k-know that he K-K-killed your father. He doesn't want you to be sad, that's why he is avoiding you. Since you are pregnant. You have to be happy. My aunt said,

Aunt, why do I have to be sad. Since my childhood, I have never seen my dad. I only grew up with you, aunt. The person who was killed by my husband is our enemy, not my father. I hope you will be clear about this. Now I want to talk with Karl. Can you please call him? I said. My aunt nodded and left as I let out a dry sigh and leaned on the pillow.

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