∆Chapter 1: "Welcome back".∆

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Third POV

Pangaea academy1: where the gifted countryleaders and fortunate stateleaders are
Pangaea academy2: where developing leaders are working hard to climb to the top.

Are they really gifted? Or were they just fortunate?

Just like the English family, all of them was born and raised as rich people, why would they try to reach for the top of they already are up there?
Unlike other countries like Singapore, he was born with not much blessing, but because of his hardwork, he's now one of the most successful countries.


Pangaea academy, a school named after my beloved wife -Pangaea .
She was lovely, so wonderful just like the school that I'm looking down from my window.
Seeing the world finally at peace is such a great sight to see, though little fights cannot be avoided sometimes but clearing up misunderstandings could be of great help in solving a problem.

After long years it finally came to me that they shouldn't be segregated or separated from each other just because of their status, that they could co-exist despite their differences.

"So, I decided to combine the Academy1 building to the Academy2 building!" I happily said raising both my arms that looked like I just made a surprise birthday party.

"Dad...are you being serious?" My son, Asean spoke with a brow up "what? Isn't it a great idea for the students to realize what life really is?" I said while looking to the window positioned my arms like a bird is about to land on my palm. "I mean they do need to learn to lessen their selves in being such a brat almost all of the time..." Eu responded "School is about to start tomorrow, we should make the decision right now before the school starts so that we could announce it to them first thing in the morning" my son Nato stated to which I agree.

"Alright, the ones who agree with this, raise your hand" I stated and raised my hand.

Eu, Nato, African Union, WHO raised their hands immediately, we all looked at Asean who seemed to flinch when we all looked at him and hesitantly raised his hand. Even if he didn't agree, majority wins anyways.

"Now that's settled, we shall send this announcement to the students' parents so they'll be aware of what's going to happen" African Union said, "Alright, now that's done, the meeting's over, you can now do what you all were supposed to be doing" I said while standing up.

Everyone stood up too and said their goodbyes before leaving the meeting room.

It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow, I can already feel it.


Au facts:
1.UN has three children: the oldest- Nato, the middle- EU and the youngest- asean.

2.Pangaea is Un's wife and the mother of the three.


"Dad..." Asean said walking towards me "are you sure it's a great idea?" Asean continued "of course, why wouldn't it be?" I replied with a smile "That countryleader might be there an-" "I already saw the enrolled students there and that countryleader won't be there, besides even if she would be there why would you be concerned?" I asked.

"*Sigh* even if her country is like what other people say, she's still part of southeast Asia, and as the protector of them it's my duty to protect her from being bullied if that happens." Asean said "Well, there is one statehuman that is part of the Philippines" I said and took one folder from the cabinet.

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