∆chapter 7: "ka-ibigan?"∆

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Third POV

A new day is up for phila again, will it be a good or a bad one?

Well, since the day she found out that she had a stalker, also when the students from academy1 came in and when UN told her to be a secret student officer, every day in her life became more interesting—in both good ways and bad ways.

Phila was minding her own business, walking to the hallway on her way to her class—


"What the- hey! What are you-"

"Sh sh shhhh"

The person revealed their white wings with faded blue on the bottom to cover them both.

"What's happening-?"

He suddenly leans close to her just a few inches away and said "shh pretend like we're making out"

"Pretend like we're what-" she said in confusion "they're coming, go" he says as he leans close to her neck.

But phila never made out with someone so how would she know!!!

Out of panic, she looks away from the guy accidentally exposing more of her neck which made him flinch.

"Where is he! Eugh- ew, respect for the singles" the guy which phila assumes is the person who's chasing him ran away.

The winged person stops and looks at the direction where the guy ran away "phew*thank goodness".

———FLASH! SNAP!📸———


"Hm" the person who took the picture ran away quickly.


"You son of a bitch!" Phila continues to smack him on his back "ow ow ow, Hey I'm sorr-"


The winged person got slapped on both of his cheeks "sorry mo muka mo!" Phila says as she runs away to chase after the person who took the picture.
("Say sorry to your face!")

"Hey! You do know that I really didn't kiss you right?!" The winged person shouted to phila hoping to get her attention.

Phila tried to catch up to the person who took the pic but she was too late...

She heard whispers from the girl beside the person who took the pic and pointed at phila.

Embarrassed, she quickly hid away from both of them.

~with Ukraine~

It's currently lunch time and Ukraine sat with his siblings on the table in the cafeteria.

Once he places his plate on the table, he took out his phone to see if there's something new on Instagram.

And there, he saw the picture of 'pampanga' and the winged guy leaning on the wall looking like they're having their sweet time.

Ukraine spat his water "pfft- SDJGDKHDJFH?!" he angrily shouted looking at the post that has 294 likes,148 shares, 193 comments and counting.

Ukraine wanted to find the unlike button so bad, but too bad there wasn't.

"Oh yeah, I saw that too. Didn't know they hid their relationship for a while now" Belarus said beside him, oblivious of her brother's feelings.

"Oof tsk tsk tsk I feel bad for you" his brother Estonia said also beside him.

Ukraine was crying inside, it felt like his whole world was destroyed.

~with del and mal,indo,nesia~

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