∆Chapter 3: "Bad omen"∆

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3rd POV

Phila went back inside the school and decides to go to her next classroom which is economics.

"Hey you, bad omen." Even without asking, phila knows that whoever they are, they're talking about her.

She turns around to see China walking towards her with keys on his hands, "You dropped this on the way here." He said with a smirk, he extended his arms to 'give' it to phila.

She checks her fanny pack to see if her keys are still dangling there, but it's gone. 'Ah so I did drop it'

She looks back at China, "Thank y-" she was about to reach it but he dropped it infront of her.

They both looked into each other's eyes, "pick it up, don't you need it?" He raised his brows and he had a smug look on his face.

Phila looked at him in the eyes, silently giving him a death stare, "Go on, pick it up like a good little girl." He said in a mocking tone.

The scene started to form a small crowd of students, mostly from academy 2, watching them and gossiping with each other.

Phila knew it was his plan to humilia her, but she can't do anything against a powerful countryleader like him, 'tch, this @sshole is such a sadist' she hesitated for a bit before kneeling down to get the key from the floor.

Meanwhile, china is looking down at her with an amused look.

"Make sure you don't lose it again, if it wasn't me, others would've thrown it away so you can never have it again, but this time you're actually in luck that I found it." China walks past Phila and went on his way.

If she was in her own form, she would've been humiliated as a master, not only will she humiliate herself, but also her whole country!

Embarrassed, but used to it, that's what she's feeling right now, she stood back up and continued to walk to her locker to get the notebook that she needs.

Phila's POV

Walking through the hallway, I see my locker and try to open it (of course) to take the notebook I need.


I try to insert the key again...it doesn't fit.

Did they secretly change the placement of the student lockers?

Alright then, I'll try to look for it...

I went through every single lock, trying to fit the key in one of the lockers and open it.

Aha! Found it! After going through many lockers it finally opened.

I opened it to check where my notebook was, "Huh?" I'm confused, these aren't my belongings....


Oh great, it's Beijing. The sister of that goddamn china, what does she want from me?

"I see that you went through my locker. Tell me, why and how" she said to me.

The hell does she mean?

I look at 'my' locker and now confirmed that it wasn't actually mine...

Then how the fu- wait...

∆Lonely Third World∆ COUNTRYHUMANS AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora