∆chapter 5: "panik"∆

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Third POV

It was another day, students start going out of their dorms and on the way to the main school where classes are being held.

But before that, I should introduce you all something that I should've already said before.

The student council.

Student councils are supposed to be elected after 3 weeks of school so that they'll have enough time to know their classmates and pick their best candidate for each of these roles:

Vice president
Muse & Escort
Event organizer
And Commander

10 spots on the student council should be occupied by worthy students who will lead the others through excellency.

There are two special positions that needs to organize a large team in order for them to fully operate:

Event organizer: as the title says, they will be the ones who will plan, design, decorate and even improve the events that will happen in the school.

They should be creative, clever and responsible in order for all the events to go smoothly.

They also should be brave to talk to the teacher casually because they will be talking to the teachers very often for the event to happen.

But they have to sacrifice the fact that they won't be participating in any of the events and just work backstage.

Commander: in this position you have to be strategic, tough, and a strong-willed person.

He/she shall lead the knights to protect the school from any type of harm or distress.

They will be the ones guarding the area around the school and they shall be willing to give their life in order to protect any student.

Though they shouldn't be known, only the commander can be known by the whole school but his/her knights shouldn't be known to anyone in the school.

Why? One of the knights' main job is to assure that there won't be any big fights or chaos in the school, and in order to do that without being known by the culprit is to blend in the crowd so they won't know if they should continue their scheme or not.

The other positions are quite explainable already so it won't be that hard.

Although there is something about the PIO...

PIO: he/she coordinates with the two special positions, and by that I mean the PIO knows who are the knights that are under the commander.

That's all about the student council.

Now, let's see how it'll go this year.

Students are entering the school one by one, they go to their lockers and pick the books that they'll need today, class is still not yet starting so students can go to their friends and chat with each other.

"Helloooo everyone!!!" A loud cheery voice was heard through the hallway.

"I am Belarus! Nice to meet you all! As you know, the student council election is ongoing and the teachers said that today is the nomination for the positions in the student council!"

Students start whispering in the hallway.

"They also said that today will be a no-class day because all of you will decide on who to nominate!" She cheerfully said.

"Sooooo are you all ready?" She winked.

"YEEEEEEEESSSS!" the students cheered.

"Alright! The nomination will start at 10:30, in the meantime you will think of who to choose for nominations! Goodluck!" And with that, she disappeared.

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