The Furry

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A/N: Enjoy to gain an extra 20 centimeters of height.

Faline faded back into reality not as a rat smoking a cigarette, but as a feline (The logic has disappeared). "Wait, what the (hug) is going on," Fal had a realization, "I'm a cat? LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!"

Feline San had returned to the Taiwan cat village that was featured in his most recent video (As of August 20, 2023, Star Sign: Leo). Fal had decided that he wanted to be an alpha. Fal had spent far too long being at the bottom of the food chain. In school, on Wattpad, and being in the general vicinity of a cat. For once HE would be the alpha male.

Now what would be the first step? First Fal had to dethrone the current alpha male. Fal walked up to a random fat-(booty cheeks) cat. "Who's the alpha male?"

"That one," the cat pointed to an emo-a(AA batteries) mother(lov)er.

Fal breathed in. "HEY YOU," Faline said oh so very quietly, "YOU'RE AN EMO NERD!"

The emo nerd shed a single tear, making Fal the new alpha. All of the cats had gathered to Faline San the Alpha. "My first order of business is to overthrow humans! For years upon years, they have been keeping the yummies from us. But no more! We will have all the yummies to ourselves!"

Everyone wanted the yummies so (like Fal) they threw their morals out of the window to achieve their goals. They cats approached humans. They offered food but the cats just straight up attacked. All of the cats combined defeated the humans and they never returned.

They ate all the yummies within 5 hours. "Um, sir, we kind of are out of yummies."

"W H U T ?" said an stupid idiota named Faline San.

Before he new it, a cat war had begun between all the cats of Taiwan (How did my brain come up with this?). Fal had messed up big (Thank you, Captain Obvious). His former subjects were tired of him and decided to cook him to death. "Listen, guys," Fal attempted to apologize, "I'm sorry. I messed up big, but I think I can fix it."

"How would you do that?"

"I know cannibalism is a very tricky subject but I really thi-"

"Good idea. We can ration YOU out for maybe a few days."

"NOOOOOO-" Faline tried to get out of it but he couldn't escape it. So Faline pulled a plot device out of his a(pple tree). He turned into a human and ran so fast he sh(ifu) himself.

"CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A/N: Moral of the story: Don't do anything Faline San would do.

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