Chapter Two: Suspicious Police

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When I look back to my birthday two days ago, I really cannot fathom how incompetent police here were. They see three girls with their heads on fire and an escaped snake from a zoo and yet no one makes an arrest? Or maybe I'm just the perfect criminal and had somehow framed it on another person.

I had taken to calling the snake Adder to which he didn't seem to mind. The room was for once empty of other children. Only Adder and I sat on my bed with me watching him eat a dead mouse I found stuck in a trap on the first floor.

"How... how can I understand what you're saying? And what happened to those girl's hair? I feel like I'm going mad." I finally asked.

"I'm not sssure. Perhapssss you are mad." Adder teased, taking a the rather small being into his full mouth.

"Don't joke Adder. How do I even know you're actually speaking to me?"

"I sssupposssee you have to trussst in yourssself."

Before I could ask another question, footsteps loud and thunderous started down the hall and towards the room. As quick as I could move, I placed Adder in my bag on the edge of the bed. Opening a random book and pretending to read it, the door opened to reveal Sister Mavis with two men behind her.

Both of the men had something off about them. I couldn't quite explain it but it was like the air went thin. They wore trench-coats of different colors with sunglasses covering their eyes despite it raining. Not even a single ray of sunshine was escaping those clouds.

"Elle... these are MI5. They're here about an incident you may have seen at the zoo." Sister Mavis explained quietly. I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights to earn the subtle shocked expression she was giving.

"Is it alright if I bring my bag?" Was all I could muster up to ask.

One looked as if he wanted to object, going so far as to removing his sunglasses to speak and appear serious. His plan had failed though when his partner took the chance of decision and just nodded his head in agreement. I wished I could look Sister Mavis in the eyes but honestly, I was too ashamed to do so. I knew I was somehow guilty of everything that happened. Could I explain it without sounding mad? Of course not and I wasn't planning on trying anytime soon.

I grabbed the bag and slung it over my shoulder, keeping my head low to the ground to not look in the shamed nun's eyes. Together, me and the MI5 agents left out of the nunnery and into a tiny car parked outside. We climbed in and I immediately regretted it. The smells of old egg salads and sweaty socks flooded my nose, making my eyes water and my throat want to close in on itself. I was almost willing to confess to a crime I wasn't even sure I committed just to get out.

"Look at me for a moment please?" The agent without glasses requested.

I did as the agent requested, looking directly at him to see he had a long, thin stick the color of birch wood in the palm of his hand. With a simple wave of it, I could feel myself feel woozy in an instant. It was almost like what he had done... was magic.


Nobody ever has a good story or excuse for waking up in an obvious interrogation room. I never thought I would be one of those people. This was unlike any interrogation room I had seen on television though. I sat in an uncomfortable, dark wooden chair with a back piece taller than any chair I'd ever sat in before. The walls around me looked of marble detail and the floor a darker shade of black than my hair.

At least fifty middle aged-elderly people sat in bleacher-like stands wearing red or black. Each one having weird hats on top of their heads. Directly in front of me, sitting in his own section was who I could assume was a judge of some sort.

"Elle Avery! You sit here accused of performing underage magic on three muggle girls. How do you plead?" The judge asked, already gripping onto his tiny hammer.

"Underage magic? Sir, with all due respect, this feels like a set-up. Magic isn't real." I scoffed before quickly realizing I was in court. Murmurs overlapping one another we're exchanged in the stands, people looking at each other then back at me.

"Magic isn't real? Young lady, do you know where you are right now?" The judge spoke again but this time in disbelief.

I took a second to really take in my surroundings but nothing around me seemed familiar. Resulting in me shaking my head, the people in the stands spoke even louder than before. Silencing them quickly was a set of doors opening, revealing an old man that looked prepared for Halloween.

He must have been looking at paintings or watching cartoon movies of Merlin because he looked like the real one. A long, white beard went down to his waist. Unlike any old man I've seen recently, he wore an actual gown of silver with a blinding belt right under. By his side was a middle-aged man with black shaggy hair and a matching colored circle beard that was stubble. Unlike the old man, the one with black hair wore a five-piece suit and loafers more expensive than gold.

"Dumbledore! Mr. Avery! Explain this interruption at once!" The judge shouted, standing and losing all professional stature.

"Minister, we believe Ms. Avery here to be the missing niece of Mykel. Daughter of Adam Avery and Calypso Wood-Avery." The one I could assume was Dumbledore announced, gesturing towards me. The judge, apparently called Minister, turned to me shocked.

"Come... let's talk in private." The Minister demanded, beckoning me to follow him and the two new strangers to a new location.

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