Chapter Nine: The Avery Girl (Fred POV)

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"All I'm saying is that we could be making hundreds if it wasn't for your habits of hiding our stuff in your socks! You know mom is nosey and doesn't want us doing pranks." George complained with a teasing grin.

"All I'm saying is she should stay out of my sock drawer. She doesn't know what I use those for."

Before I would start laughing at my own joke, I ran straight into someone and brought both of us down. Although the grass was soft and only slightly moistened, I could feel the icy glare and warm body temperature of someone below me. Opening my eyes was a girl I hadn't seen before. Her black waves tangled themselves in the grass green blades and her skin as pale as the moon's face. This was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen.

"You mind getting off of me?" She asked with her cheeks flushed.

I looked down and sure enough, she was caged by my arms and legs. Once I realized exactly how close we were and the way I was positioned over her, my cheeks were about as red as hers. I muttered an apology and stood up with George's laughs in the background. The girl stood up too, getting all of the grass out of her hair.

"I apologize. I should have been watching where I was going." I started, elbowing George in the gut to tell him to shut it.

"No no! It's my fault! Trust me... this is the second time it's happened to me this week." She insisted, smiling up at me. "I'm Elle by the way."

"Oh I know Ms. Lost-Avery." George smirked, finally calming himself down. She looked embarrassed by this supposed nickname yet it was the first time I had ever heard it. "We're Fred and George Weasley. Also single should you ever find yourself wanting the company of two poor Gryffindor men."

"Shut up George!"

Where I expected Elle to start getting creeped out by George's blunt advances or even angry, she just laughed. It was like she didn't take him seriously even though I knew he was being quite serious. George acts shy but anyone that truly knows him sees he's more social than I am.

"You two are dorks but it was great meeting you two-"

"Weasleys! How dare you speak to my cousin!" We spun around and to no surprise was Erik Avery- the Slytherin keeper next to the Slytherin seeker Draco Malfoy.

"Oh shut it Erik! I was just apologizing for running into them." Elle complained but it was too late. The two Slytherin were already next to us.

"You shouldn't even be here. One ticket is probably an entire years worth of food to your lot." Draco muttered, looking directly at me.

"You're a joke Malfoy." I muttered, annoyed this little fourth year thinks himself so highly. Someone outta put him in his place and it was about to be me very slowly.

"Will you two stop it?! Just get inside the tent before I cast cantis on you two again." Elle threatened through her teeth.

The two Slytherin boys didn't take their glares off of us but began making their way around George and I, past Elle and entering the giant green tent. Once George and I looked at her again, the look of disappointment of loud on her face.

"I'm sorry AGAIN for those two. They're... they're just weird." She explained.

"Performing an uncontrollable singing jinx on those two? How did your poor ears survive?" I asked before all three of us started laughing.

Coming up toward us, completely ignoring the 'act as muggle as possible rule' was a salesman with many different trinkets to buy for the games. He apparated every few feet on different sides of the walkways, trying to get people to buy. I wish we hadn't bet all of our money with Mr. Bagman now.

"I'm going to head back inside before Draco and Erik come back. Hopefully I'll see you at the game." Elle smiled and waved goodbye, walking back into the tent.

I was frozen in my place, not wanting to move in case she comes back out. I couldn't believe how quickly smitten I was by her. Turning to George who just wore a goofy grin before bursting into a hyena-like laughter.

"Come on let's go before dad starts asking about us." I groaned, pushing George hard before making our way back up to our tent.

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