Chapter Five: The Introduction Ball

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When Mykel and my cousin Erik told me of the apparent 'simple' introduction party, I didn't imagine needing to prepare for it a week before. Going to fancy stores that I would have never entered before to get sizing on dresses. Entering luxurious jewelry shops that didn't even have prices next to the pieces and told I could get whatever I want to wear. All of it just so people could meet me.

"Look what the newspaper has stated about you. 'The Lost Avery has been found and reunited with her family. It is said that her introduction party to the wizarding world and fellow pureblood families will be the best party of the summer.' Quite rubbish if you ask me." Erik teased, taking a rather large bite out of his breakfast sausage.

Erik was almost identical to how his father looked. Although slightly taller, he had the same straight black hair and golden eyes of an eagle. I wasn't sure if he liked me and honestly, I didn't care. He seemed like one of those spoiled rich brats that would throw pounds at me just because 'the church could always use the money.' I rolled my eyes, taking a single bite of the scrambled egg.

"I'm not the lost Avery. I hate stupid titles." I mumbled.

"I agree with Elle. That is a stupid title. It should be 'The Proud Avery' or something like that." Mykel exclaimed, clearly not getting at what I was trying to say.

"What is it about being an Avery that makes us higher than others?" I finally asked, trying not to sound rude. Both Mykel and Erik turned to me with disgusted expressions as if I could have said the most terrible thing.

"There are twenty-eight families that have zero tolerance for muggle blood or fraternizing with muggles. The Avery's are one of those twenty-eight. There is no contamination in our blood. Just pure magic." Mykel explained, as if I should have already known this.

"Are the other twenty-seven families the ones coming to the party?"

"All of the important ones... plus Dumbledore. I need us in his good graces so he doesn't harass you like he does with the rest of Slytherin house."

"Slytherin house?"

"When you go to Hogwarts, you're going to be placed into a house. Sort of like a dormitory. Every Avery has been placed in Slytherin so you most likely will be as well. There are other ones but none compare to Slytherin." Erik explained.

"Well What are the other ones?" I asked, now pointing my attention to Erik.

He sighed, clearly annoyed by the amount of questions I was asking. How was I supposed to know all of this though? I barely found out about magic a week ago and was suddenly supposed to know everything about this world? Sure I knew their laws thanks to Mykel explaining his job to me but that was about it.

"Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw... and Gryffindor. Gryffindors are annoying and the worst out of all of them. They're the types to think being stupid and not thinking shit through is courageous."

"Erik Avery!" Mykel shouted, giving Erik a scolding look. "Do not use that language in this house! We are not riffraff like those damn Weasleys."

"Damn is alright but shit is not? This family just gets more and more confusing." I muttered, pushing the plate away and getting up from the long wooden dining table.

"When Draco Malfoy comes tonight, I expect you to quickly befriend him. Do I make myself clear Elle Avery?" Mykel shouted, not even looking at me.

What was so special about these Malfoys anyway? Besides having questionable names, they seemed quite boring. If they're anything like Mykel or Erik... I was not going to enjoy myself tonight.


While throwing on the ugly pastel purple dress, I glanced at myself in the mirror. A week ago, I was wearing a uniform everywhere I go. Now, I'm wearing small diamond earrings with a medium dress. It's sleeves went past my shoulders and were sheer, reminding me of the old school peasant dresses cinching itself around my wrists. On my feet were strapped white heels that made me feel like I would fall in any second.

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