Chapter Seven: The Unique Wand

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Since Draco and his father have moved in two weeks ago, things have been even worse. I barely got along with Mykel and Erik but it was like Draco and his father only added fuel to their excruciating flames. All these people ever talked about was how amazing purebloods were and the Quidditch World Cup. Whenever Mykel and Lucius weren't working, they were hiding in Mykel's study with a locked door.

Despite Mykel requesting the Minister to allow Erik and I the usage of underage magic (which apparently is a big deal), Erik has not taught me a single thing. All he does is taunt me with Draco, as if seeking Draco Malfoy's approval. From what my tutor has explained, even with a borrowed wand I was her most skilled student she's ever had.

Alecto Carrow was possibly one of the most terrifying people I had ever been around and that was including everyone I just had listed. I'm not sure how she knew my uncle but I could tell she fancied him quite a lot. Her carrot-orange hair was pulled into an extremely tight bun to the point of not only causing bald spots but a hairline pushed farther than anyone's I had ever seen.

"Avery! Are you paying attention?!" Carrow screeched, bringing me back to reality.

"Yes" I completely lied, pulling my legs closer to me.

My lessons were held in my bedroom so I wouldn't bother the rest of the house or risk exploding antiques. Adder just sat in his tank, watching me hold up the old wand of some great aunt named Morgana. Carrow paced back and forth in front of my bed, gripping her dark brown wand that had the top half of a skeleton painted and carved closer to the hilt of it. The heavy-figured woman stopped her pacing and with a look of annoyance, turned all of her attention onto me.

"Prove it and open the door."

Why must she always question me? Scooting to the opposite side of the bed and turning to face the door, I lifted up the wand in boredom and annoyance. Luckily even though I hadn't been paying attention, I knew the spell. Thanks to the late night studying of all the jinxs I could be doing on Draco and Erik.

"Aberto" I demanded, pointing the wand at the door.

It swung open and to my surprise was my uncle with an elderly man the size of a giant in an old-school driver outfit. The man appeared like he had come directly from the twenties, driving around the super rich people to their silent films. I turned my attention back to Carrow who was already a blushing mess. Tucking a nonexistent strand of hair behind her ear and smiling, it was like we were all side characters in her rom-com life.

"Carrow! How has my niece been doing?" Mykel asked in a loud tone as if he hadn't just seen me open the door from at least a good eight feet away.

"Exceptional! She definitely has the skill-set to make her ancestors proud and is already ahead of her peers. From what I have gathered, Transfiguration seems to be her strong suit." Carrow reported, keeping her posture straight and her face void of emotions she just had a few moments ago.

"Great to hear. I'm taking her to Hogsmeade to receive her wand. No doubt an ebony or maple wood."

"Why those?" I asked, clearly more interested in wands than the damn lesson.

"Every Avery has not only had those but a lot of Slytherins do as well. Seeing as you are an Avery and no doubt will be placed in Slytherin, one of those will most likely be yours. Now come niece! We have a long trip into London!"


Diagon Alley (the closest place to get school materials and wands) was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I was stuck sitting outside of giant bank alone when Draco and Erik came running up the steps with other children around our ages. A girl with short black hair, two fat boys, and a boy around Erik's age with messed up teeth.

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