Chapter Four: Opal the House-Elf

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When you hear the word 'estate', you think a slightly fancy house in the middle of nowhere. No one speaks the word 'estate' and means a giant mansion that easily passes as a castle unless you're rich. The bricks looked old made of a soft creamy brown shade that reminded me of peanut butter. A massive garden was pushed to one side of the property with the softest green roses in the hedge fence. Every room of the second floor had a balcony looking outward to the garden.

"Wow..." was all I could muster up to speak. The clear spring skies were cloudless with fields of green as far as the eye could see. Even the air smelled cleaner than any other air I've been around.

"Pretty great huh? This house has been in your family line for about six generations." Mykel informed, clearly proud of what was his property. "Come. You must meet Opal."

I followed closely behind him, gripping my bag tightly as if afraid someone would just come up and grab Adder from my side. If that Minister didn't, I had strong doubt anyone else would. We walked up the cobbled steps until reaching the dark wooden doors with stained glass of different shades of green.

"Believe it or not, the Avery's have always been placed in the house Slytherin of Hogwarts. It's said that the first Avery was a close friend to Salazar Slytherin." Mykel bragged as if I was supposed to know what any of it meant.

He opened the door and immediately the stench of wealth flooded me. Just in the entryway alone were at least four different statues made of pure gold. The wood beneath our feet was the cleanest floor I had every laid eyes upon. Granted, I didn't have a lot of experience but I knew a well-taken floor when I saw one. The walls had paper on it of vines upward that would look like they moved unless you were staring directly at them. In a world that seems to be full of magic though, that wasn't too shocking.

"You'll meet your cousin next week when he gets back from the school. Until then, OPAL!" Mykel started, storming into the great hallway with the same wallpaper and flooring.

A long rug of emerald green laid on top of the floor with various statues of armored men standing in corners of the room. The walls, despite already having designs on them, also had a few paintings that looked old. Coming out from a room beneath the stairs was a thing wearing a potato sack as an outfit. One of her two large ears had been nicked and her body was covered in scars that had been there for more than a few years. Whatever it was looked old. Barely able to walk on her own. It glanced at me, for a moment shocked before gaining composure once more.

"Opal, do you remember Adam?" Mykel asked, smiling even though it was clearly fake.

"Of course Opal remembers Master Adam. He treated Opal just like Master Edward did. He-"

"Yes yes that's nice Opal. This is Adam's daughter, Elle. She'll be living with us for now on." Mykel interrupted the introduction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. If it's not too rude to ask... what are you?" I asked, holding out my hand for her to shake it. Mykel seemed to not like that though. With a scowl on his face, he smacked my hand away.

"Elle, she's a house elf. Think of her like an unpaid maid. She will lead you to your room now. I have a party to plan."

Mykel quickly dismissed himself, walking down the hall and leaving me and Opal to ourselves. I always thought elves were tall with golden skin. Not short with buggy eyes and giant ears. As soon as Mykel was out of eyesight or earshot, I swiftly took Opal's hand and shook it with a smile on my face.

"Hello Opal. It's grand to meet you." I stated. A flash of memories flashed across her eyes before smiling back and grabbing ahold of the top of my hand.

"Thank you Madam Elle. Opal is going to like you. Come, let's take you to your room."

Opal led me to a set of dark wooden stairs wide enough for an entire train to pass through comfortably. It's railing had designs of thin metal vines and leaves wrapping around the wood. I wasn't sure what this family's obsession was with vines but I suppose I couldn't complain too much.

We made our way to the second floor but could still look down and see the hallway below. The house elf led me three doors down until opening one, revealing one of the most magnificent bedrooms to exist. Still using the same dark brown wood for flooring, the walls had changed to being a simple soft shade of grey that reminded me of rainclouds. Directly in the middle of the room against the wall where the door sat was a large bed they only gave girls in movies. Silver curtains were tied to the tall black bedposts by black sheer ribbons. The best part of the room? A small bench built into the wall that sat in front of a window overlooking the garden.

"This is incredible!" I exclaimed, unable to control my excitement.

"Opal is glad to see Madam Elle has the same smile as her father. The bathroom is over there if you would like to take a bath." Opal recommended.

I turned my head toward the direction of where Opal was pointing to see a door in front of me. Dropping my bag on the floor, I zoomed to the door and was not surprised to see the bathroom connected to the bedroom was just as extravagant. Black tiled floors contrasted with the white tiled walls but all the bathroom essentials were matte black. The cornered bath tub itself was large enough to fit at least two people in it at the same time and same with the shower next to it.

How does someone go from living in a nunnery, questioning their very existence to being thrown into a life like this? A life of riches and magic? I went back into the bedroom and it appeared Opal had left elsewhere in the large house. All I had to do for the next week was enjoy myself in a rich lifestyle. How hard could it be?

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