Chapter Three: Family Trees Unknown

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The man known as the Minister, and two strangers we had established as Dumbledore and Mykel led me into an office that was more extravagant than anything I had ever seen before. The walls were made of an ebony brick thicker than my head. Acting as the glue between the bricks was some kind of gold substance shining brilliantly. Every piece of furniture was of a dark wood color except the chairs which were made of leather.

"Go ahead and sit down Elle." Dumbledore offered, pointing at one of the chairs.

I muttered a thanks before taking a seat into the leather chair with Mykel next to me and the Minister on the opposite end of the desk. It was silent. No one wanted to say the first word. I despise awkward silences.

"So... anyone wanna tell me what is going on?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Well it would appear the Ministry has made a mistake but so has Hogwarts. How has a witch gone this long without attending Hogwarts!?" The Minister defected, shooting an icy glare at Dumbledore.

"Come now Cornelius. Should it come as a shock that she's a late bloomer like her great grandmother?" Dumbledore asked, laughing like it was common knowledge.

"She does not take after that wretched family. She has the Avery name and she is a true Avery. If the Ministry be so kind, I would like to take my niece home and-"

"Do not be rash Mykel. She may be a pureblood but she didn't even know she had magic until now." Dumbledore interrupted.

Magic... is real? I suppose that makes sense why I can talk to Adder and those girls hair caught on fire. This felt like some sort of haze dream but I knew it was real. Even mad, I would not imagine a room this tacky or three old men arguing over my status. I looked around the room only to realize my bag was not with me. Adder was not with me.

"Where is my bag? My pet snake is in there." I asked. The room fell silent immediately as if my words held weight.

"Your pet snake? Tell me Elle, has your snake ever done anything a typical snake has?" Dumbledore asked, now standing next to the Minister.

I didn't get the chance to answer before Mykel lightly smacked my arm. I glanced down at his hand only to see his finger shaking side to side, as if telling me not to answer. Why was I not supposed to answer?

"It shouldn't matter whether she's a parselmouth or not. Just because He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named was doesn't mean she is. I would like my niece and son to have full access to magic despite their restricted age. She will attend the upcoming school year at Hogwarts and when I am working here, my son will catch her up on studies." Mykel suggested, standing up and clearly done with the conversation.

"I... I have no objection to this. You will also explain to her our laws and how our world functions. Do I make myself clear?" The Minister demanded.

"What about my bag?" I asked once more, trying to make finding Adder their top priority.

The Minister sighed and lifted up his phone, matching in shade of the walls. Whoever he was speaking to was invited in and to bring whatever belongings they had. In a matter of seconds, a young woman appeared with my bag and Adder's tail dangling out of it. Grabbing it from her hands, I checked inside once more and Adder was sleeping inside next to my school journal.

"Thank you miss." I thanked, swinging it onto my shoulder.

"We'll be leaving now. Good day Minister... Dumbledore." Mykel rushed us out, placing a hand on my upper back and lightly pushing me out of the door.

There was so much happening so quickly, I could barely keep up. What was even going on at this point? I chose not to argue with anything anymore. Once the door was shut behind us, we ran directly into a middle-aged man with long bleach blonde hair and a cane. His skin was sickening white. A smile flashed on his face the minute he saw Mykel.

"Mykel? What are you doing here?" He asked with a grin, placing his gloved hand out for a handshake.

"They found Adam's daughter after she set fire to three girl's hair. Elle, this is Lucius Malfoy." Mykel introduced. I flashed a small smile and took his hand for the handshake.

"What wonderful news! I suppose you will be having a introduction party? Draco would love to meet her." Why did this feel like the rich people version of a play date? And who names their kid Draco?

"Of course we are!" Mykel agreed, booming with a grin. "Next Saturday at the Avery Estate. Draco comes back from Hogwarts by then, right?"

Estate? Just how rich were these people? And there was that word again. Hogwarts... what was that place anyway? This was all becoming too much for me to handle. I feel like my brain will explode in any second due to the amount of information that's been thrown at me.

"Of course he will! Perhaps Draco and I can stay with you Averys all summer. You and I have much planning to do... for the Ministry of course." Lucius suggested, pausing mid phrase as if it was code or something.

"Yes, I agree. Perhaps Draco can teach Elle a few new things as well." Mykel agreed.

There was something about the air that shifted after Lucius' statement. A code that unsettled this apparent uncle of mine. Standing there was as if I was a third wheel on a date I didn't even know was happening. Growing uncomfortable in the silence once more, I cleared my throat and glanced upward at Mykel.

"Are we going back to the orphanage to get my belongings? There's a few things I left there that I want to take with me." I insisted, trying to offer the float for my uncle to leave the conversation.

"Yes! Let's go right now!"

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