Chapter Six: Annoying Avery (Draco POV)

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Stupid Avery. This is the girl father wouldn't shut up about for weeks? She was a freak. I've never seen a single person who had two different colored eyes. One golden brown (that I suppose she got from her father since both Finn and Erik had the same eye color) and silver.

She was clearly a fake. She tried to hide it but I could tell she could barely walk in those damn heels. Why wear them if you can't even walk in them? I led her to the only place I enjoy whenever father drags me here- the garden.

Despite it being the evening, the garden was still lit up enough to see all of the green roses that always smelled like pepper. I couldn't exactly explain it but there was something about the scent that made me enjoy it. Directly in the middle of the garden was a metal bench with the Avery vines decorated into the metal. I sat down on it, embracing all the smells surrounding me while shutting my eyes. Still, I could feel her annoying presence standing and just starring at me.

"Are you going to sit or just stand there and look like a bloody idiot?" I asked, not opening my eyes.

"Why are you being so rude? I'll sit... but not because you asked. It's because I want to." She spat out.

Her sitting next to me made her perfume scent smell stronger than the damn flowers. How could a perfume smell that strong to overcome the literal hundreds of peppery flowers surrounding us? This Avery girl smelled like crisp apples or fresh flowers on a spring morning. Somehow a smell even more addicting than the flowers.

"So... what Hogwarts house are you in?" She asked, trying to interrupt the silence.

"Slytherin," I answered, making sure to lay the annoyance thick onto it.

"Are all pureblood families in there?"

"A lot of them are. I'm pretty sure the only ones that aren't are the Abbott family and those damn Weasleys."

"There's that last name again..." she mumbled. "Even Erik seemed to dislike them. Why are they so bad?"

Why don't girls ever shut up? Even Pansy isn't this bad and she's the infuriating type. I sighed and finally opened my eyes, looking at the Avery with furrowed brows. She didn't seem to look at me the way most girls do. It was almost like she was mimicking my look back at me. Like a reflection of some sort.

"They're blood traitors. They fraternize with muggleborns and their father works in the Muggle department of the Ministry." I answered. "But they make me believe in karma. They betrayed the Sacred Twenty-Eight and are poor because of it. The gingers wear hand-me-downs and I hear live with pigs."

"I doubt that's true. Pigs eat anything that's around them."

"That's what you took away from this conversation? That they couldn't live with pigs because the pigs would eat them?"

She shrugged and chuckled to herself as if it was actually funny. The Avery girl must have been around muggles for too long. She's even earned their idiotic humor and intellect.

"Why's your name Draco? No offense but it sounds rather dumb." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Dumb?! You take that back right now or my father will hear about this!" I spat out.

She looked at me, silently asking if I was serious before bursting into laughter. Was I a joke to her? I had already began to dislike her due to my father's insistant need to bring her up in every conversation this past week but now it was almost as much hatred as I felt for that Granger girl.

"You can't be serious right? How often do you threaten to snitch to your father over stupid things like that? You sound like a spoiled brat." She insisted, still laughing like this was some comedy special.

"Yeah? Well... well you sound like a nutter!" I stood up, shouting in her face.

She didn't hesitate to stand as well. The Avery girl ceased her laughter and changed the look of content to pure anger. Even in her heels, she had to look up to me. Our faces were so close together though, the tips of our noses could touch if we moved one more step closer. The smell of the apple and flower perfume flooded back into my nose but I didn't care. Her rudeness had already ruined what little I enjoyed of her.

"I'm a nutter?! That's absolutely rubbish! You stay out of my way Draco Malfoy or I will end up ripping you a new one." She screamed out like a banshee.

There was a moment of silence of us having a glare-off. It was at that moment a war was drawn up. Myself VS the Avery girl. It wasn't a battle of intelligence like me and Granger or even a battle of respect like me and Potter. No... this was something different. A war over pure anger. I was just thankful this was the last I would have to see of her until school started.

"I see you two are getting along! That's marvelous!" Mykel Avery shouted, clearly not reading the situation correctly.

The Avery girl took a few steps back, still not hiding the fact she was clearly upset with me. Frankly I didn't care. I turned to both Mykel and my father as they walked towards us. It would appear father was the only one out of the two who could see the tension between us. The glare he shot me was ice cold, sending chills up and down my spine.

"Draco! I'm sure you would love to know we'll be spending the summer here at the Avery Estate. You could perhaps help Elle with honing her magical skills. I'll talk to the Minister tomorrow to get you permission to use it during summer." Father announced, flashing a fake smile.

"But father! What about the Quidditch-?"

"The Averys will be joining us. The Minister also invited Mykel here and I believe Elle should witness the game first hand in the best seats available."

I glared at Elle again, seeing her face still in its glaring state. This girl was beginning to ruin my life. I had looked forward to spending this summer practicing for the upcoming quidditch season but no. Father had to ruin it by keeping us here just for pity of this girl. I didn't even want to be around her any longer.

"I'll be inside if anyone needs me." Elle announced as if anyone cared before walking off into the house with Mykel.

"Father, I-"

"Do not 'father' me Draco Malfoy! Whether you like it or not, you will become close to the Avery girl one way or another. There are things you know nothing of but she will benefit us in many ways." Father explained with a furious tone. What could he mean by benefit us? How could she?

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