Chapter Eight: Portkeys and Camping

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Erik, Mykel, the Malfoys, and I were forced to wake up at the earliest hours of the morning light just to get to something referred to as a port key. Lucius and Mykel knew it existed and where it would be but just didn't know what it exactly was. The morning sun was barely coming up above the hills, giving the area a misted look despite the humidity already making the air sticky and hot. I would never admit it but I could feel the sweat already making the back of my shirt stick to me and the backpack heavy. What an annoyance.

"Will you three stop standing there and help us search for it?! The Ministry said it would look like a random muggle object to prevent muggles from being interested in it!" Mykel shouted, angry that Erik, Draco, and I were not bothering to search for it.

I didn't even want to go to this quidditch match. I now know everything on the matter thanks to Draco and Erik rambling about it for the last two days. Still, I was never really a sports person and this was not going to change it for me.

"We are cheering for the Bulgarians, alright?" Erik informed with a glare.

"Well who's playing against them?" I asked, glancing at Draco to see if he wanted to add any input on the conversation. He seemed content though letting Erik talk.

"The Irish but they're going to loose. I just know it."

I didn't know much about quidditch or any other sport but I couldn't argue with Erik's logic. Did I know anything about either country except stereotypes? Of course not but I did know that 'Bulgarian' sounds more tough than 'Irish.' Mykel screamed an 'aha,' raising what looked like a crumbled newspaper. What was more muggle than that I suppose?

"Everyone hold onto this! We have about two minutes left until it sends us off!" Mykel demanded.

How could a newspaper send us anywhere? I understood the logic behind port keys but surely they had to be more extraordinary items than this. Still, we all didn't bother to argue with Mykel as one hand gripped an edge of the paper. With my free hand, I gripped onto my necklace as if afraid it would get lost in the movement.

"Don't let go. My father once told me he saw a man split in half for letting go too early." Draco taunted, smirking like an annoying brother and wiggling his eyebrows.

Before I could say something witty or anything really, the feeling of a hook sticking into my chest and yanking me in a direction struck. Everything around me, including my family and the Malfoys, was spinning at a speed I couldn't even began to describe. I felt like I was in the middle of a blender. Looking around and watching everything made me feel dizzy quickly, throw up slowly coming up from my throat until it stopped abruptly. Erik, Draco, and I were laying on the ground and trying to control ourselves while Mykel and Lucius stood there.

"Draco! Help Elle up!" Lucius demanded, slamming his thin cane into the ground. "We have to get to the campsite immediately. Mykel and I need to talk to some important people."

Draco stood up and offered his hand served with the biggest eye roll I had ever witnessed. Smacking it away, I stood up without help. I could finally witness that we were in the middle of a forest with thick fog making its way through the trees. Who had ever heard of fog in the summer? We all had walked until coming upon two men dressed very peculiar.

The first man held a golden watch in his hand and wore a tweed suit with knee-high, bright red galoshes. The other was shorter and fatter with a quill in one hand and a roll of parchment in the other. His clothes? A kilt and poncho. If aliens were to ever try to be as human as possible- this would be the result.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Avery! Are you two ready for the World Cup?" The man with the golden watch asked, flashing a friendly smile despite the glassy look of fear stapled onto his eyes.

"Just tell us where we need to go Basil." Lucius demanded.

"Very good! You both will be in.... Field one. Speak with...-" Basil tried to continue but everyone had already left and started making their way to field twenty. "AT LEAST REMEMBER NO MAGIC IN CASE OF MUGGLES NEARBY!"

As quick as I could, I apologized and thanked Basil before running to catch up. It didn't take long for us to get to an open field with rows and rows of tents. After an hour of wandering, we found two large empty plots between two rather small tents. On them had a piece of folded paper with the names Malfoy and Avery on them.

"You three start putting up the tents! We'll be back in a little bit." Mykel shouted while throwing a large sack of coins at me and Erik. Lucius did the same to Draco.

The second they turned their backs and started to walk around for whoever they needed to speak to so urgently, Erik pulled out his wand and waved it. Despite Basil's earlier demands on not using magic, both tents were set up in a manner of moments. The one belonging to the Malfoys was giant, made of a silky navy blue shade with golden designs upon it. Ours was about the same size but of a soft green shade with black vines going up and down the tent.

"Well let's go in dear cousin." Erik smirked, going so far as to bow for me to enter.

Once pushing the tent door open, no words could escape my mouth despite it being wide open. An entire house could fit inside of this thing. In the center of the room sat a sunken floor with two black sofas facing one another and a large glass coffee table in the center. Behind was a luxurious kitchen with marble counters and even kitchen appliances such as an oven and fridge. The tent separated into four different rooms with curtains acting as doors.

"Well? Pick one."

I followed Erik's advice and went to the nearest one, dropping my backpack on the giant queen sized bed with black sheets and fur blankets on it. Thankfully, because it was summer, I wouldn't have to use that horrid thing. Throwing the blanket off to the side, I began unpacking all of my belongings before hearing Draco on the other end of the curtain.

"Hurry up. My father said I have to walk you around." Draco demanded, groaning with every vowel.

"Well... I feel sick. I'm going to stay here for a bit. You and Erik go on ahead." I attempted to lie, adding a fake cough at the end just to sell it.

I hid in the bedroom, reading for thirty minutes before peeking to make sure he and Erik truly did leave. Once the coast was clear, all the awesome magical things I could think of flooded my head. Running out of the tent, I felt someone knock into me and both of us falling onto the ground.

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