Chapter Ten: Seating Arrangements

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When the gong sounded, announcing the start of the game, I couldn't believe how stupid both Draco and Erik were behaving. They giggled, chanting the name 'Krum' which I could only assume was one of the players. I mean, both of them were even going so far as wearing stupid looking merchandise. This must be how guys look at girl when we talk about boy bands.

"Okay when we get there, you must all behave yourselves. We don't want to look like fools out there. And boys- take off the merchandise. You look ridiculous." Mykel scolded before spinning out of the tent where I could assume Lucius was.

I followed quickly behind, looking at the setting sun and the large masses of people flooding toward the forest. People sung songs and chants, clearly showing who they were siding with. Finally exiting the tent, Draco and Erik walked on either side of me as we followed the designated guardians. Along the trail were lanterns flickering orange and green lights. With the amount of excitement surrounding me- even I couldn't help myself but smile with anticipation.

We walked for a good ten minutes before arriving at a giant open stadium with lights that could be seen all the way from London. If they were still trying to hide this away from muggle eyes, the Ministry was failing miserably. Arriving upon the closest entry, a witch stood alone but getting swarmed by other witches and wizards alike. All too excited to contain a proper line.

"Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Avery! Top box with the Minister of course. He wanted me to thank you both again for your generous donations." Exclaimed the witch, clearly at a breaking point.

If I could, I would have helped her even slightly with the large crowd of impatient fans. Emphasis on the could... I started to open my mouth to ask before Draco forcefully took my hand. His fingertips were made of ice and his palm snow despite it being too hot. Dragging me to follow him and the others, they had luckily stopped by a woman handing out pamphlets shaded purple.

"What made you think you could grab my hand and drag me around like a rag doll?!" I asked and even though my words were hushed, my anger was sewed among every vowel.

"To make sure you didn't get lost with the commoners. Now let's go. We mustn't keep the Minister waiting." Draco acted as if he had done nothing wrong. I knew who he meant as 'commoners' though- those two red headed guys from earlier.

We started going up the stairs that were carpeted a deep violet shade like a cinema. The higher up the stairs we went, the less and less people stopped for their asile seats. We kept climbing up more and more until arriving upon a box with twenty purple and gilt chairs separated into two rows.

"-Ah! And here's Lucius and Mykel!" Shouted a plump man as if continuing a conversation before we arrived.

We looked over and in the row ahead of us were those 'commoners' that Erik and Draco scolded me to talking to just earlier today. A row of ginger hair with only two people in between the wave that didn't have it. One was a boy that wore glasses and the other-

"Elle! How great to see you again!" Hermione shouted, going so far as to stand up and smile.

"Elle? How do you know this... girl?" Mykel questioned.

Both Averys and Malfoys were glaring at me, awaiting for the obvious answer. Hermione must have read the room, clearly uncomfortable and slinking back into her chair while mouthing a simple apology. I wasn't going to have her apologize for something she had nothing to apologize for.

"She helped me in Diagon Alley. How are you Hermione?" I asked, seeing her smile return.

"I'm so excited! Who are you rooting for?"

"We're rooting for Bulgaria of course. We understand Victor Krum will be the one that wins the cup." Draco inserted himself, speaking for me.

My attention was taken away from the conversation momentarily to see Fred directly in front of me. As Draco was rambling on about whatever was unimportant, Fred would move his mouth and gesture in a mocking tone. Unfortunately, I couldn't help myself from letting a single snort escape before raging into laughter.

"Elle! Do get ahold of yourself and take the seat at the far end next to the house-elf." Mykel demanded, scolding me.

I looked all the way down to the end and there sat a house elf in a large tea bag with bulgy eyes. I didn't know if it came off racist or anything but she looked almost identical to Opal (except the age). I started shuffling my way down before Hermione stopped me, grabbing my wrist and giving me a single wink.

"Percy? Didn't you want that seat next to Mr. Crouch?" Hermione asked, looking at the scrawny gringer covered in freckles and wearing thin glasses.

"Yes! Are you willing to trade seats with me miss?" Percy spoke out-of-breathe as if just the thought of having my seat was a dream come true.

"Of course she is. You can sit between me and Fred if that's alright."

I looked over at Fred before smiling and quickly nodding. I didn't need to turn my head to feel both Averys and Malfoys looking at me. Their eyes were burning holes into the back of my head but I figured they would be too full of themselves to make a scene. I hopped over the seat and sat myself down immediately to the only two other faces I recognized.

"That's Ron and Harry. They're in Gryffindor with me. The middle-aged man is Mr. Weasley while the two next to him are Bill and Charlie, Ron's older brothers. And between them is Ginny. Then the two twins are-"

"She already met us Hermione. Chill out and let the girl breathe." Fred attempted to joke but only earned himself a huff from Hermione.

"It's a pleasure to meet each of you." I responded with a simple wave. "Do you go to all the games?"

"Nah this is the first one but Harry, George, and I play for Gryffindor. Who knows... perhaps you could root for us when we kick Slytherin's as-"

"Shut up Fred! It's starting!" The one known as Ron interrupted, practically bouncing off his seat like a spring was set beneath him. Couldn't wait to see who was right- Bulgaria or Irish.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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