Building Bridges

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Two Weeks Later
July 13th; 2023
Joe Alwyn's Point of View
Taylor made a recovery and she's perfectly fine now which is good. The inside of her septum has a large hole in it due to her constantly snorting oxycodone. She didn't even notice. I asked if she was finally done with taking the drugs and she said no. She said she would just start chewing the pills instead. I don't know why I would have expected a different answer. The two of us are silently working in the studio now. The due date for the album is roughly 13 weeks and we have finished three songs. Exile, Betty, and Cardigan. Taylor came up with a lot of lyrics while recovering from being sick. She wrote an entire song called August and right now we're writing the melody. We seem to have gotten stuck though because we've just been tapping our pens for an hour.

Taylor's phone makes a loud ding, signifying she got a text. She picks it up and looks at it. "What the fuck!?" She yells angrily and slams her phone down. She starts muttering to herself and I can only assume it's something with Tom.

"Boyfriend problems?"

"It's so sexiest to assume that Joe." She sneers at me.

"What did Tom do?"

She sighs with an eye roll. "Promise not to laugh at me?"

"I promise."

"I'm getting plastic surgery." She admits. I can't help myself and start to giggle. "You promised!" She yells.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Why are you getting plastic surgery?" I don't exactly know why she needs it. She already has quite the figure.

"I'm getting a septoplasty." She points to her nose and I realize what she means.

"You're getting your nose fixed?"

"Yeah. I'm getting the hole in my nose repaired. I was able to find a doctor to get it done. I paid a lot for them to do it this soon." Her body language is strange. She's tense and refuses to look at me.

"Oh...That's nothing to be embarrassed about." It's probably smart to get it fixed.

"Tom was going to take me to the hospital and wait for me but he bailed. It's stupid."

"You don't want to be alone. It's not stupid to want someone there for you when you're having surgery."

"It's fine though. I'll just have my chauffeur take me and it'll all work out." Taylor is one of the most complicated people I've ever met. She wants someone to be there for her but she'd rather lose the person than ask for help. She twiddles her thumbs and I groan internally.

"I'll take you."


"Just say yes. If you want someone to be there, I'll be there. I'll pick you up, take you there, wait for you and everything." This is not necessarily something I want to do but no one should have to go through surgery by themselves. You should have family waiting for you when you wake up. Family praying you'll be okay because even if it is a small surgery, your family is still terrified.

She pauses and looks at the floor. Asking for help is one of the most embarrassing things for her. "Thank you, Alwyn."

I'm not sure why but she doesn't use my first name very often. I believe it's to put me in my place. Make it known that she's the boss. She has all the power. I'm not worthy of having a name. "No problem."

• • •

Have I ever told you about the car that the record company loaned me? I have to return it once the contract is over. I rarely use it honestly. It's New York City. Just about everything is within walking distance. It's also quite strange having to drive on the right side of the road.
Today, I have to pick up Taylor to go to the doctor so I thought I'd put the car to use. As per usual I was on time but I've been waiting outside for her to show up. You'd think she'd put effort into showing up on time for her surgery but it's been 20 minutes and here I am.

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