❝[☁️] s i x 六

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Yes, Han definitely IS that bad of a person. Minho thought bitterly shortly after entering the art classroom, Ms Khan's Spotify playlist barely heard over the cheerful chatter of students gathered in the same small groups. Minho makes his way over to the Jisung's group, silently taking in the boy's today's outfit.

His blond hair has been covered by a thick baby blue cat beanie, only the boy's parted curtain bangs escaping from beneath it, framing his face perfectly. He had fake freckles and silver glitter all over his chubby squirrel cheeks, a little silver star sticker underneath the outer corner of his right eye. About his eyes, today, instead of the usual smudged emo-like eyeliner, his eyes were highlighted by a white one, and his aegyo sals had a very subtle pinkish tint, making his eyes seem even bigger and puffier than they normally are.

As Minho's gaze glides down, he notices that Jisung is wearing an oversized funky sweater mostly in greyish-whiteish colours, with some brown accents here and there, and a cream corduroy dungarees on top of it, with one of the straps unbuckled, leaving the corner of the material hanging down nonchalantly, revealing Jisung's silver set of dainty necklaces.

The dungarees are gracefully engulfing Jisung's waist, sliding down to his lower thighs where the cutting widens, making an impression that the boy's waist is even more snatched.

Han's slim legs aren't left bare though, knitted leg warmers from thick wool pulled all the way up to his knees, and the lower hem pulled a bit over his white converse on platform.

A sage green canva bag is loosely placed over the boy's shoulder, a painting on it shows two hands of different complexions creating a heart with their index and middle fingers, the space creating the heart filled with rainbow colours, a short text underneath it reading 'society is a concept. additionally, an overrated one.'

Minho can't help but also pay attention to Jisung's hands, his nails apparently freshly painted with a silver glittery paint, alternating between the boy's usual black nail polish. Small silver rings are a perfect match for the necklace set, and decorative plasters are wrapped around his index and pinky fingers.

Suddenly, as Jisung looks up from his squatted position and his chocolate eyes make their way up to meet those of Minho's, the older boy feels underdressed.

"Hey, uhm, the project..." Minho starts with an unusual for his persona shyness, intimidated by Jisung's pretty shiny eyes that are staring into his soul, piercing through him.

The others in Jisung's group also shift their gazes, leaving Minho in the centre of unwanted attention.

Finally, after what it felt like ten hours of torturous and awkward staring contest, Jisung's glance falls back down onto the poster paper they were all hovering over. He waves his hand dismissively as he speaks in a careless, even kind of rude tone, "Just hand me that paper with the ideas, we'll cover for the rest."

Minho frowns. What's with the attitude now?

That's true, Minho doesn't really care about their drama club thing. He is an outsider, after all. Yet the way Jisung suddenly spoke to him as if he was just a temporary assistant felt unfairly belittling.

"Do you need me for someth–"

"No, just sit down somewhere and at least pretend you're working," he cuts him off, his hands now busy as he grabs a marker, jotting something down on the piece of paper.

Minho blinks at him, taken aback. He doesn't like the way he's been ordered around. 'At least pretend you're working'? Did Jisung just imply that Minho wasn't putting any effort at all?

The older scoffs yet nods nevertheless, finding arguing over such small things useless.

He makes his way over to an available chair, throwing his backpack to the floor. What is up with him? Minho wonders, eyeing Han once again from afar. Did Minho do something that could have upset the other? Did he give him any reason to be mad? Minho starts to get paranoid.

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