❝[☁️] t h i r t e e n 十三

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Felix – with Hyunjin slowly trailing behind – bursts through the door to the school's infirmary, immediately spotting the one and only occupied bed, now separated from the rest of the room by a curtain.

"Oh my God, Jisung, are you o–" He pulls the curtain open, almost ripping it in the process, and immediately stops in his tracks.

He blinks a few times, as if double-checking if his eyes aren't malfunctioning, yet what he sees remains unwaveringly the same – Jisung lying on top of Minho, his head resting on the older's shoulder, and Minho's arms securely holding the smaller boy in place; they both have their eyes closed and their chests are rising and falling in a steady slow pace, indicating that they both are currently in the dreamland.

Hyunjin gasps loudly, and if not for the Felix's hand that immediately clasped over his mouth, he'd screech out loud.

"Shh! SHH!" He shushed him hurriedly. "They're sleeping!"

Hyunjin breaks free from his boyfriend's hold. "I told you! I told you! I told you!" He chants repeatedly in a matter-of-a-fact tone, now jumping around like an excited kid. Felix only rolls his eyes. "I told you that my gaydar is never wrong! I told you it was ringing all the time! Minho-hyung isn't stra–"

"What's going on?" Another voice – kind of raspy from not being used for a while, and definitely annoyed – joins their conversation. They both jump up like scared cats, snapping their heads toward – now apparently awake – Minho.

Both Felix and Hyunjin, looking like deers caught in the headlights, stand still in place and clear their throats, their eyes wandering around the room awkwardly.

"Well, we–"

"We just came here to..."

"To check on Jisung!" Felix finally finds his composure, telling an actual truth – after all, they did come here because of this exact reason. "We've been waiting for P.E. to be over."

"Is he feeling better now?"

Minho quirks an eyebrow questioningly. "And what exactly happened?"

"He said he had stomachache–...", "He suddenly tripped–..." they both say simultaneously, and then look at each other with a gaze that could only mean 'hey, that's not the version we established.'

Minho squints his eyes at them suspiciously, which squeezes out of Felix a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, he had a stomachache and because of that he was slower in the game and then he tripped!" He explains frantically, his hand scratching his nape nervously.

"Guys, I know," Minho sighs, making the other two boys visibly confused. "He told me."

"He told you... what exactly?" Hyunjin risks.

"He told me about his problems."

The freckled boy and his boyfriend exchange another perplexed glance. "He really did? That's... unusual."

Hyunjin nods, "yeah, it took me at least half of a year to even get on some friendlier terms with him, and you just... got him to open up after knowing each other for less than a month?"

Minho nods hesitantly as if it was a tricky question, and Hyunjin pouts, "Oh wow, I don't know if I should be offended now or what–"

Felix lightly smacks the back of his boyfriend's head. "Ouch! And what was that for?!"

"You were rude to Jisung at the beginning too, so don't play a victim here."

Hyunjin's eyes widen as he dramatically places a hand over his heart. "Me?? Rude? Never!"

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