❝[☁️] n i n e t e e n 十九

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Hyunjin was absolutely terrified. Seeing his boyfriend crashing to the ground has been probably the only view ever that made his stomach drop, sheer terror kicking in quicker than any instinct.

"Lixie!" He breaks from the formation, not caring if he just risks another person dropping to the ground. He rushes over to the fallen duo, checking up on his boyfriend first. "Love, are you okay?!" Yet Felix doesn't even look at him – as soon as the shock from the unexpected impact decreases, Felix crawls over to the culprit of the whole incident. He knows he wasn't the one to fall. Jisung dropped him.

"Sung... Hey, Jisung!" He shakes his friend's shoulder but receives no reaction at all – Han just lies there, his face sickly pale and his eyelids fluttering, revealing Jisung's rolled to the back eyes.

"Jisung! Felix!" Chan is the first one to get to them, the rest of their friends following shortly behind – all of them with different expressions, starting with frowning in silent disbelief and deep worry Changbin, ending on teary-eyed, reasonably shook up Jeongin. They may express it differently, yet all of them are sharing the same amount of concern and fear.

It wasn't unusual in cheerleading for someone to fail their stunt – the cheerleaders were taught to just smile it off and keep going, and the rest ought to behave as if nothing happened. Yet when the duo remained on the ground, the terrifying seriousness of the accident dawns on everyone. The cheerleaders stop their performance, now eyeing them from afar with obvious agitation.

"Jisung. JISUNG!" Felix yells louder, his voice breaking – it was hard to tell if it was because of his emotional state or because of the fact that he damaged his vocal cords with today's shouting.

"Felix, stop!" Chan gently grabs the fellow Aussie, pulling him away, "you'll hurt him and yourself!"

Minho squats down right beside Jisung, resisting the urge to pull him onto his lap. "Hannie? Hey, Hannie, can you hear me?" He subtly slaps Jisung's cheek in an attempt to bring him back to senses. Yet the cheerleader doesn't seem to react at all, his head only limply turning from side to side as Minho pats his face. "C'mon, come back to us..."

"Fuck," Hyunjin curses, already holding Jisung by his ankles, lifting his legs up to help the blood flow back up the blonde's body. "Why isn't he coming around?" He asks frantically, observing Jisung expectedly, however there was no sign of improvement.

"What is going on?!" They turn their heads to the side to see who's the newcomer – Jeongin apparently ran off to inform a teacher because there she was, Ms Khan in all her glory, making her way toward them with a hurried skip to her step.

"What are you staring at?!" She scolds the cheerleaders and students who just stood there, passively watching the scene unfold. "Everyone go to school or I'll give you all detention, now!" She effectively chases them away.

"We don't know what happened, he was fine literally five minutes ago, and he just fainted out of a sudden," Seungmin reports.

Felix, Hyunjin, Chan, and Minho exchange a quick glance. Felix shuffles his foot awkwardly, for the sake of Jisung not drawing attention to his bleeding knees and the pain that keeps pulsating through his left wrist. "Well... it's not like it happens for the first time. Jisung tends to have dizzy spells," he vaguely explains, yet the four of them already know the most probable reason of this unfortunate event.

Hyunjin bites down at his lip. "It's just... he never has been out completely. Not for this long."

Ms Khan checks Jisung's breathing, making sure to tilt the boy's head back a little to unblock his airways. After confirming that his breathing pattern was stable, they turned him to the side and readjusted him into a recovery position. Ms Khan dials the emergency number, asking a few questions prior to clarify the circumstances.

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