Chapter 1: Evolution

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[AN: This will be a harem story of Momo, Kyoka, Ochaco, and maybe a few others I haven't decided fully on. Izuku will not be an alien instead due to his unique use in training OFA he will evolve it to a entirely different quirk that includes the pasted users quirks which have also gone through an upgrade. Besides that this is just a fun little story I have had in my head for a long while now and I want to see how others like it.]

Izuku had been through a lot this past year, from saving Bakugou and gaining the attention of his now mentor All Might to joining UA after saving his now best friend Ochako Uraraka.

And it didn't stop there as the USJ incident happened and then shortly after the Sports festival where he helped his newest friend Shoto Todoroki.

But that didn't come close to what had happened recently, Izuku along with his entire class and sibling class 1-B had been attacked while at their summer training camp with the Wild Wild Pussycats but just like all the other trials he went through in his life so far he didn't give up and fought his hardest, pushing himself to go plus ultra.

Whether it be the sludge villain, Bakugou and Iida, Todoroki or even Stain and Muscular he always prevailed...... that was until now.

Now Izuku kneeled on his scraped knees staring horrified at where he had seen the villains disappear with Bakugou, they were just gone with no way of reaching them all because he was to weak and hurt to get to on them.

It took a full minute for the situation to sink in for all those present, Izuku was the last one and when he did he let out a gut retching scream full of anguish and failure that reached all the way to the camp.

It was also at this point he scummed to the pain his adrenaline filled body had been ignoring, he passed out in the arms of his friends and classmates with his last thought being of his old childhood friend 'Ka-Kacchan, I-I couldn't save you... I was, I was too weak.'


(Inside One For All)

Our green haired protagonist wasn't sure how long it had been but when he opened his eyes to see a void of swirling energy he quickly started to panic, he sat up and got an eye full of his surroundings or to better described as a lack of one.

He appeared to be in a misty and shadowy place with the only thing being inside of it was a island of concrete he currently stood or sat upon, this confused him greatly mainly due to him remembering being in the woods after failing to save Bakugou and now was in... well he didn't know what to really call it.

Getting up fully he walked around the concrete island looking for anything of interest that could explain why he was here and maybe what here was.

It was a however a fruitless endeavor as he soon found out, there was nothing here and Izuku started to panic "Okay this is bad, really, really bad. D-did I die and this is purgatory or something? It would explain the nothingness and the fact I don't feel pain from the injures I had received from my fight earlier with Muscular but what about-"

His muttering started up as per usual and to the figures who were watching just facepalmed or giggled and laughed at the broccoli's habits.

That was until a feminine voice spoke up from behind him "Sheesh kid you sure know how to talk, though it is sort of cute in a weird stalker type of way."

Izuku turned around in a flash and got into a fighting stance, he saw the woman and other figures besides her and couldn't help but ask "U-umm, excuse me but-" takes a look around "D-do you know where we are?"

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