Part 6: Meeting The Shields

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Izuku and his companions walked through I-Island exploring its extensive supply of hero support gear and inventions, Mei was ecstatic going from gadget to gadget like a child in a candy shop.

The blue haired teen chuckled when Mei found a pair of jet boots that she liked, but his brief moment of amusement turned to horror as he saw Mei started bickering with the inventor of the boots about how he should have made it differently.

Shortly after Mei was kicked out of the inventor section of I-Island and had to spend a few hours with Kyoka in the hotel they were given to cool off, this left Izuku and Momo to wander around until they decided to sit and have lunch.

They had ordered their food at a little place that sold American style food and sat outside under a table with an umbrella, Izuku could tell quite a few people were looking at him and gossiping but he tried his best to ignore them to focus on spending time with Momo.

"So have you had fun on our chaotic trip so far?" He asked the heiress.

Momo smiled sweetly before leaning forward and resting her chin on her palm "Yes, even with Mei's unfortunate outburst earlier I have had fun."

Izuku smiled back at her "That's good to hear, have you gotten used to your new costume yet?"

The heiress hummed and nodded "Yes, it's better than that leotard I wore and the fact it's more armored than that cloth used in my old costume is definitely a plus. Speaking of costumes, when did you get this new one, I haven't seen you in it until now?"

The ninth user of one for all shrugged and took a sip from his root beer "Mei made it awhile back a little after my fight with All for one, apparently she really dug the design of the mostly blue and red with the addition of the symbol you put on my shirt."

Momo blushed at the slight praise "W-well I'm glad she liked it enough to keep it as part of your costume, I'm rather flattered actually."

Izuku gave a cheeky smile to this "Oh? I'm glad you feel that way Momo."

He paused for a second before forming a small blush of his own "So...have you and Kyoka come to an idea on what our relationship is?"

Momo took a moment to fight back the blush on her face and nod meekly "We've deciding to date you, only if that's alright of course since we know your busy and have a lot on your shoulders alre-"

She was cut off as Izuku interlocked his hand with hers and speaking in a soft comforting tone "I understand, I want to be with you two as well and I can create time to be with you both it's no trouble at all."

They looked into each other's eyes and started to lean forward until a voice came from their side, causing them both to freeze and turn to see none other than Kyoka and Mei.

The former wasn't paying attention as she fiddled with a device but the ladder was definitely paying attention, she blushed a dark red and pointed to the people around them "You do know you're in public right?"

Both teens blushed at her words as they saw people taking pictures and videos of the pair 'Crap!' Was their only thought as they both realized that people were probably posting their intimate moment to social media.

Izuku cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck "Sorry, I got caught in the moment again."

Momo shook her head "No, I am also to blame. I should have known better from my time spent being taught about keeping a public appearance by my family tutors growing up."

At hearing this Izuku remembered his now girlfriend was rich......"Huh, I kinda keep forgetting you're rich for some reason until you say something like that."

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