chapter 3

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As soon they got into snowy valley all the circus animals look around and explore a bit alex alaki angelina and gia went together seeing the ocean Diego nala and the other circus animals went into the village Simba ran in the forest in sonic speed he went fast like lightning.

The ground begins to rumble he jumps from one place to another. I then he walk up to the cliff. Simba looked ahead.

The trees were shaking and the ground rumbling. Simba got an idea.
He smirked and roared loudly. He's sure even bagheera heard him as the ground stopped rumbling.

"Oh yeah this is happening."

The bushes next to me started shaking he looked at it and suddenly a log rammed into him.

"I think we're almost there!" exclaimed a female.

"We better be! I just lost the steering.", spoke a male.

Simba jumps over the log and runs in sonic speed beside them as they made a small turn.

"Has anyone seen Precious? It's her feeding time.", spoke an old lady.

"Mom! Granny's talking talking about her dead pet again.", exclaimed a boy, as simba assumed.

"Hey, paws up everybody!", exclaimed another male.

"Paws down, please! Uncle, please! That is nasty.", complained the boy.

They made another turn and went downhill. It was crazy as the log jumps another hill.

Thank God simba kept on running to catch them and they quickly went to another hill and slide down.

Diego nala and the circus animals looks around and the lioness looks at him "How long you been at circus knuckles." Asked Nala

"I had been there for 5 whole years." He answered as the log came to them simba jumps on to a tree to stop the log and then sloths went flying and then Stefano pushes the log back.

Another sloth came in to see what happened but then simba attacks him by Pouncing the dogs looked at and said.
"Let's barry him."

They digged a hole put the sloth in and simba bounces in ball form on his head
Pushed him down. "Hey hey whoa who said you kids can torture the sloth?" Said the mammoth.

"Dad Don't squash their creativity." Said his daughter.

"Hey manny welcome to the party." Said Diego glanced his old friend.

"Diego there you are." Said manny.

Simba rushed in saying hello. "Man how - you doing" He said

"I'm good man how are you. Haven't seen you." Said manny at simba "Don't wanna see him." He continued point at vitaly as he growled.

"Listen I'm not taking jazzed or anything but I want to be nice to your daughter. And then I thinking about getting her something." The cub explained

"But what if you get something because you have everything because of you?" The mammoth asked

The circus animals begins laughing but the sloth got serious.

"Is this some kinda joke?" He asked angrily

"Come on sid. Their funny their jokes."
Joked manny and then the old lady went up
To simba "Oooo we gotta speedy boy." Said granny and then peaches asked them
"Who is the speedy boy?"

"I'm sonic that's what everybody calls me."

"Yeah he's my little buddy." Alex answered
Turning to his family.

"Crash what's with this guy?" Asked Eddie

"I don't know he looks different then a real Saber." Said Crash.

After meeting the herd sid's family left

"The sloths wanted to find Sid so he could take care of granny." Mario solemnly told the herd.

"What kind of sick family would just ditch their whole granny on somebody? That's just... that's just... my family." The sloth said sadly and Diego went to him

"Well at least you got granny...right buddy?" Diego asked.

"Yeah granny."

That's it for now the zoosters has met the herd and their getting along with each other Please enjoy.

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