Chapter 10

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The next morning Simba wakes up stretching his back, then he started eating grapes and also looked at Granny.

"Granny, Sonic is hungry. He needs those. Can't you throw imaginary food to your imaginary pet?" Rambled Manny.

Manny sighed, "enough already. We need to keep a lookout for home."

They looked behind them and saw that we were about to crash into the rock. Donkey kong immediately rushed to the wheel and turned it. In the distance they saw an island.

"Guys look." Exclaimed Alex. "We're almost home."

"Buddy, I never doubted you." Stated Diego, referring to the lion.

Back on land

Gia Mario And peaches and the animals were walking to the bridge.
The mammoth sighed.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?", Ellie asked.

"You ever say something you knew you couldn't take back?" She asked.

"Is this about Louis?" Asked Gia

"It's Ok. It happens Cute boys can whiplash your brain. No doubt about that." Said Ellie

"Gia we gotta problem." Gloria inrupted.

Suddenly, all the mammals gasped.

"What's going on?" Questioned Mario.

"The land bridge is gone." Answered Melman.

"We're trapped! But we're supposed to Manny here. What are we going to do?"  Asked Bagheera.

Back on the boat

Soon Simba and his friends sailed into a fog. They can barely see something. Well expect for Nala and Diego. Sid was on top of the mast. He was looking around.

Suddenly, some rocks fell off and they saw that rock walls were the cause of it. There was no sign of anyone alive. Simba felt as if the ground just ran out from under his paws.

"Oh no. The land bridge." Spoke Diego.

The land bridge was gone.

"No, they have to be on the side."Stated Alex.

"Alex there is no other side." Sadly spoke Manny.

They all went quiet.

Suddenly luigi perked up. "Wait, did you hear that? I heard something it sounded like Mario."

They raised there heads and looked around. Behind the ice block, there was a cliff. They saw a figure walking.

"Is that...?" Shira stated.

"There's Mario." Exclaimed Manny.

"Hey over here." Mario called.

Simba smiled.

"Mario where's peaches?" Shouted Manny.

"Don't worry as long as we're together everything is going to be Ok." Exclaimed Mario.




Suddenly they heard a familiar evil laugh.

Bowser grabs Mario in front of them.
"Enough about Mario." He snickered

The animals gasped in horror.

"Let him go Bowser." Snarled Shira

Then Gutt came up right next Bowser.

"Where are the odds? We were just talking about you." Gutt stated, "You like the new ship? I call her Sweet Revenge."

Slias flew over there heads.

"And look who we mange to snatch." Bowser said.

They look and saw Ellie Bagheera and Peaches tied up.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE." Shira roared.

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