Chapter 11

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The pirates threw vines with skulls on them. Bringing their ship closer. Then they put the plank between their ships, for Manny to walk.

"Good day, mate." Spoke Raz.

"You remember us?" Asked Flynn, We're the bad guys."

Manny walked I front of Bowser and Gutt who was still holding Mario.

"Alright let them go." Demanded Manny.

"I don't think so. You destroyed everything that me and Gutt had, Koopas." Said Bowser.

"OI" Shouted the voice

"Let the mammoth go." Demanded Vitaly.

"Vitaly." The Herd said

Joined the Russian tiger was the whole circus gang alaki angelina and Florrie.

"Oh good company. Let's see what bravery gets you Boy." Mocked Gutt

Simba Shira and the lions joined the others

"Face it you're never going to get my power." Simba snapped.

The badger looked at him. "Well well well if it ain't Sonic the hedgehog. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Gupta smirked.

Simba. rushed in and turn a electric blue ball and smashes Gutt foot as the monkey screams in pain. Manny ripped off the vines and escaped.

"Don't stand there like barnacles. Get them!" Demanded Captain Gutt.

The pirates and koopas took out their weapons and the animals.

"CHARGE." Roared Alex as the animals rushed to the pirates and koopas as they begin fighting.

"Let's dance boy." Said Gutt

"In your dreams." Snickered Simba.

Simba use the 7 chaos emeralds to transform in his super form and then he make a super form gold tornado as it swept Gutt Bowser the pirates and the Koopas away.

All the animals including Shira were wait for Simba to show up after destroying Sweet Revenge. The whale rose up from the water with Simba on his head.

All of them cheered.

"How's that for an Entrance?" Asked Simba.

"Sonic that was the bravest thing I have ever seen really your a hero." Said Manny.

"So..." Spoke up Shira. "...still want me in your scurvy crew?"

Simba smiled. "You bet."

Precious the whale ending up pushing the ship to the island they decided to live in.

There was an island called herd Valley.

Simba and Shira walked up to the edge of the ship. Along with the mammals.

As the animals Got off the boat and looked around herd Valley. Simba the circus animals and the herd went for a walk.
Happy to have new family members.


I hope you guys enjoyed this story I will have to remake Simba's Collison course
With the pirates return

Simba's continental driftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora