Chapter 9

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The rock walls never stopped moving. They move every minute. The rock was nearing some trees. On 2 of them sat 2 familiar possums.

"Wait for it. Wait for it." Spoke Crash.

The wall soon crashed into the trees and possums started to fall with them.

The possums screamed in excitement. They ended up failing next to king Julien and the penguins.

"Uh how are you both so happy? Doesn't it weigh on that the world might be ending?"
Said King Julien

"We are very very stupid." Said Crash

Louis looked at them disbelief. Crash and Eddie weren't showing any sign of lying.

"But, still, you're not a teensy bit concerned about... I don't know, say, imminent death?"
He said,

Skipper only booked his nose. "It's like a sacrifice for someone else."

Louis sighed. "I'm going to go find peaches."

Back on the boat

It was already night and Simba couldn't stop thinking about luigi. He kept walking back and forth. He heard sid groan but the lion cub still continued walking. Sid was still paralyzed when he ate the lotus berry.

"Hey, I can wiggle my toe again." Murmured Sid, "The important one, the little piggy who went to market. Wait! I'm talking again. I had so many things trapped inside of me that I  couldn't say. Like, "Hey, I'm not dead." And "Why does a hurricane have an eye but not an ear?"."

Suddenly they heard screaming and came far away luigi landed on Manny's back

"Luigi." Everyone hugs him as he smiles laughing.

"I'll push him overboard. You guys say it was an accident." Joked Granny.

"I'm in. How about you Sonic, Sonic?" Said Diego,

He stopped and looked at him.

"Hey, relax buddy! Captain crazy and his floating petting zoo are histories. Come on! We're finally heading home!" Exclaimed Manny.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." He spoke, "Maybe  I'm coming down with something." Simba stated and continued walking.

Diego laughed, "I know what You've got. The l word."

"Oh lice."

"No sid Sonic is in love." Alex Said.

Simba started walking away from them. They began laughing.

"Real mature guys. Real mature." Simba stated and layer down.

Simba sighed sadly. And then Shira went up beside him worryingly.

"Is something wrong Sonic?" Asked Shira

"I'm just worried that's all." Simba said then the white saber placed a paw on his.

"You don't have to worry about anything." She purred

Manny immediately turned the wheel causing Simba and Shira to fall. They ended up on each other...kissing. The ship started to go away from the sirens. Simba and Shira pulled away from from their 'kiss'.

"...Why are we kissing?" Questioned Simba.

"...Because cruises are romantic." Shira answered.

"What the heck was that?" Ask DK.

"Sirens 5 more seconds and we've couldn't have been goners." Explained Alex

Nala walked to the edge and looked at the horizon

"Diego. I love you. And only you. I don't need you thinking otherwise. Do I make myself clear."


Nala smiled and nuzzle his neck, while he nuzzle her head. Both of them purring.

Back at Gutt's ship

Bowser was going to get ready to marry peach with his phrase. "Princess peach here we are. I guess love really makes a guy come out of his shell." Bowser chuckled but then he stomps the flowers which were piranha plants trying to bite.

"(Ahem) Let's rule the world Together. Forever. Will you marry me?" Said Bowser soflty to the fake princess which it was Gutt.

"Oh yes."

Suddenly Squint came through the doors (Ahem).

"WHAT." Bowser and Gutt Shouted.

"We have found The princess and the mustachioed human." Said the Koopa general.

"So like Peach was super impressed." Asked Bowser.

"It appears so yes. Their heading to the land bridge."

"Oh they think they can surprise me huh? Two can play it that game." Bowser smiled evilily.

I'll make a few more then I'll end this story guys.

Simba's continental driftWhere stories live. Discover now