The Past haunts the Present

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"Hi Peaches! How've you been?"

A voice called out to them as they entered the cave. Suddenly, Wukong ran towards the voice and yelled, "Mac!" In a familiar way that you would address a friend that you have not seen in a while.

It turns out that the voice came from a black-furred monkey with tan skin and eyes that were a dull golden colour. They wore a red scarf, a brick red shirt with one yellow sleeve and one black sleeve. He wore a black belt that held on a piece of leather with a cross stitch pattern that fell down to his knees and dark red pants with black boots. He also has a marking on his face like Kai's, but it has an extra point on both sides, so it looks like a birds wings.

Wukong ran into the new monkeys arms and started hugging him tightly whilst his tail was wagging excitedly behind him. The monkey is called Macaque, but Wukong calls him Mac as a shorter version.

Macaque returns the embrace for a minute, then turns his head to face Kai, who was still at the entrance looking away like he was uncomfortable.

Macaque tried to get his attention and see how he was, but Kai just flinched at his voice, so he just went back to hugging Wukong. A few seconds later, though, Wukong pushed himself away from Macaque with a large grin on his face. Macaque was obviously confused at this, so he just stared at Wukong.

Wukong suddenly pulled an Immortal Peach out of his pocket and said with a triumphant tone, "I got you an Immortal Peach from Heaven. Do you like it?"

Macaque was shocked at this, and he grabbed Wukongs paws and, in a very worried and concerned voice, said, "You went into Heaven again?! You know that you could get caught! And with how many times you've done it, you could get severely punished!"

"I know, but I didn't." Wukong said in a defeated tone, looking at the Peach in his paws guiltily, wondering if it was worth it.

Macaque then put one of his paws on Wukongs cheek while the other was still on the Peach and Wukongs paws.
"Thanks for the thought, though, Peaches, but please don't do it again because next time you might not come back."

He said whilst leaning into Wukong kissing him, which Wukong was surprised at, but he secretly loved it. After kissing him, Macaque pulled back, leaving Wukong at a loss for words like he was in a trance.

In a transic voice, he said, "How've you been Mac~?" Macaque just laughed because of the state Wukong was in, but  once he stopped laughing and caught his breathe took a second to process what Wukong had asked.

"You know I've been here and there, waiting for you to come back from your little escapade." He then replied with a sarcastic and sparky tone.

Wukong just looked at the ground and felt a bit guilty for being gone so long then realising that Heaven's time and the Mortal realms time don't match up.

(Heaven to Mortal time is 1 day to 1 year)

"Hey Mac, for me, it wasn't that long, but Heaven and Mortal time doesn't match up, so how long was I gone for?" He asked, confused, but he was also curious because he was never actually sure what the time difference was. He thought it was like 1 day to 1 month because of how things changed when he would leave, but wouldn't change enough to be too long.

Macaque sighed, then said in a gentle but sad voice, "You were gone for 5 years..."

"I was what...." He gasped, holding his paw to his mouth."I was gone for 5 years!" Feeling guilty, he turned around so he was facing Kai, howevee Kai this time was facing Wukong but was still looking down at the floor.

He suddenly moved away from Macaque and started running towards Kai and embracing him in a tight hug, apologising for being gone for so long.

Kai, however, just held his King's paws and said, "It's fine. I know time works differently in Heaven, so even if we're gone a few hours, it would've been a few months here. I'm just glad that you're finally back."

"I'm glad to be back," Wukong said, relieved but then wondering if anything happened in the years he was gone. So he stepped away from Kai, and Macaque had moved, so he was behind Wukong but not close enough, so Kai would feel too uncomfortable.

"So, did I miss anything while I was gone?" He asked curiously, but that feeling then disappeared when both Kai and Macaque looked away, avoiding eye contact and wearing expressions that were a mix of guilt, concern, and sadness.

"What's up?" Wukong asked now, gutting a bit worried about their reaction to the question. Kai and Macaque both looked at each other for a second, then at Wukong.

Macaque sighed before saying, "Kai wen-" he only got that far before Kai interrupted him yelling, "I went to the Mainland!" Once, he said that though he covered his mouth with his paws instantly regretting his decision.

When Wukong heard these words, they echoed in his head for a few seconds before fully processing what they meant. Once processed, he turned so he was facing Kai so fast he almost gave himself whiplash, then with a very concerned and worried expression he went up to the monkey put his paws on his shoulders and then saying.

"That was very dangerous! How long ago did you go to the Mainland?! You could've gotten hurt, and not only that, but you haven't mastered your powers yet." Then the young monkey looked a bit amused at this before smiling nervously, tilting his head to the side and saying something that Wukong was not prepared for.

"I already have mastered them. That's how I got to the mainland and came back to the mountain. "


(From now on, it might take a bit longer to write these chapters as this is as far as I have gotten when it comes to the comic version, so please just be patient with me)

(Also, thank you for reading, and I hope you will continue to read my book and enjoy it. Also, if you have any notes or things you would like to point out please put it in the comments. Thank you)

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