The Seal

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When morning came, Macaque was the first to wake up, and seeing that Wukong was still fast asleep facing him, he kissed his mate on the forehead and then got up and went to the kitchen  to make some breakfast whilst he waited for Wukong to wake up so they could talk to Kai about their idea.

Not long after, Kai woke up and went to the kitchen to grab himself a drink, and he was too drowsy and out of it to notice Macaque, and so Macaque not knowing why Kai hadn't said anything backed away as to not be awkward and continued eating his breakfast which was 2 pieces of toast. After Kai had made himself a drink, he was now less out of it, and then he saw someone in the corner of his eye so he turned his head to look at them, then seeing that it was Macaque he jumped back in surprise.

After realising that he was making things more awkward than they already were, Kai turned around, took his drink, and went to the living room, leaving Macaque in the kitchen. When Kai jumped, Macaque felt guilty because it wasn't for him, then Kai would never have died, and none of this would be happening, and after Kai left the room he felt more guiltily about what he had suggested and wondered if there was another way and he had just thought of the last resort. However, before Wukong woke up 40 minutes later, he just stood there contemplating every option they had and all ended in either someone dying, getting sealed away, and being made to be Heaven's obedient pet or the 'last resort'.

When Wukong woke up, he found that Macaque was not next to him, so he got up and he was wearing a shirt that was too large for him so it just hung on him like a curtain. Then, after getting up, he left their room and went to the kitchen, where he saw his mate deep in thought, and after going over to him it appeared he was so deep in thought he didn't even see him right in front of his face. So, to get his attention, he kissed him, which broke Macaque out of his deep thoughts, and he then had a large blush that went across his face and went all the way up his ears, along with that his tail was also wagging behind him.

Seeing that he was now out of his trance, Wukong pulled back and said, "Morning, Mac. Sleep well?" Macaques was still a bit flustered but replied, "Uhh... yeah, I slept well. H- How did you sleep?" Wukong now thoroughly enjoys his mates reaction smirked before answering, "I slept quite well actually," then his expression became one more serious as he said, "have yoy thought about it?" Macaques was now less flustered and knew immediately what he was talking about, so he replied, "I have all morning, and I have gone over every option in my head, but all of them end badly. I think itself the only way, but you still need to talk to Kai about this."

Wukong then asked why he said 'you' instead of 'we' to which his mate replied, "If the idea came from me, he would either immediately reject it or it could just caus meore of a rift better us and I am trying to close that gap." Wukong now understanding nodes his head I  agreement and then asked if Kai was up yet, and Macaques just nodded and then pointed to the living room. Wukong then started to walk towards the living room with Macaque behind him, and when he got there, he saw Kai sitting on the couch with his empty cup in front of him.

Noticing someone entering the room, Kai looked at the door to see Wukong standing there with a look of worry, sadness, and regret, and behind him was Macaque, who had the same expression. He then asked, "What's up? Why are you guys so gloomy?" Wukong didst say anything implying it wasn't a joking matter, and he then took a deep breath and said, "We need to talk."

The serious in his voice made Kai stand up from where he was sitting, and his nerves started to go on edge wondering what this 'talk' was about and why it needed such a serious atmosphere.

Wukong then walked further into the room and stood a few feet away from Kai, so there was still space between them, and Macaque stayed standing at the door, looking away, this avoiding eye contact worried Kai as Macaque was trying to fix whatever relationship they had left. Wukong then deeply sighed and said,

"Kai, the armies of Heaven are strong, and as you know, I can defeat them, but I can not defeat them and protect you at the same time. The army is coming for you and you alone, and all morning, me and Mac have been coming up with other options, but they all end out badly so we are left with our only option a last resort."

When you say 'last resort', it means there is no other option or other way around the problem, and this is what Kai was worried about and not only that but a last resort is something that you never want to do but you have to for it to work, and considering that this is a problem with Heaven itself he felt so nervous about what would happen that he held his breath until Wukong told him the idea.

"Me and Mac are thinking that we should seal you away. We would be the only ones who know where you're sealed, and Heaven would never be able to even touch you, but we could only release you when we know it's safe for you to return and that could take centuries. So we wanted you to decide whether you want to go through with this or not."

The idea spun in Kai's as he heard it, but he couldn't tell if he was hearing it like it was being burned into his mind or going in one ear and out the other. Still in shock, he turned to Macaque, who was still at the door to see if what he was gearing was right, and when he made eye contact, Macaque looked away guiltily and whether or not he trusted him he knew he could trust Wukong and if he was saying this was the only option then it was so he agreed.

Wukong then looked relieved for a moment, but then that turned to sadness when he remembered what he was asking Kai to do. Macaque was shocked by the answer but expected it since it vame from Wukong, and also, if Kai did still trust him like he used to, then he would still only go for it if Wukong suggested it as he was the strongest out of all of them. Kai may have a combination of their powers, but he still hasn't mastered them, and so they are a bit unstable, and Macaque has never once won a fight against Wukong and he's the only one out of all of them who on a weekly bases invades Heaven for a laugh.

After Kai agreed to do the seal, they decided to talk for a bit to make sure it was all ok, Kai knew what he was agreeing to, and Macaque and Wukong could still visit him and be the only ones who could visit him and that he was probably going to be there for a few hundred years.

When they had finished discussing all the details, they decided that Kai would be sealed inside a stone that was cut into the shape of the ying and yang symbol and only when the two pieces were placed together could they visit him and if they wanted to release him they had to break the locket when both pieces were together. Both halves also have an enchantment on it, so it could only be destroyed by them alone, and if anyone else did, then it would regenerate any part that was broken or it could remake itself entirely.

The stone would take a day or so to make, and the stone part they already had, so they just had to wait for one of 2 things to happen:

1. The seal was made, and Kai was sealed away and protected.

2. Heaven came back to the mountain before the Seal was finished and took Kai back to Heaven to face the wrath of the Jade Emporer.

They were hoping option 1 came true, but not all things go according to plan, and a day later, the seal had just been finished, and someone came bursting in through the cave entrance.

It was Ne Zha


(If you haven't seen the new update schedule please go check it to under the new chaos that will be the updates

I hope you liked this chapter and will continue reading when the next chapters are released

Thank you for understanding and  I hope you enjoy)

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