Ne zha

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When Macaque got outside, he saw none other than Ne zha pinning Kai down and threatening his life with his spear, and Wukong was standing back so as not to get Kai injured, but still growling none the less. He came to use a shadow portal to get close to Wukong without agrivating the Lotus Prince in front of them.

He then asked almost accusingly, "What are you doing here, and why are you holding down, Kai?" The Prince then just sent him a glare that basically implied it was none of his business. Wukong, seeing the glare Ne Zha gave, started growling and was about to attack, then noticing Kai was still under his foot, and he somehow held himself back.

Ne Zha, seeing that there was no way he'd get out of this without getting Heaven in serious trouble with the Monkey King sighed and then began to say, "I am here to take Kai back to Heaven and depending on how the Jade Emporer decides he could be executed, imprisoned for life or made to be on of his weapons." Wukong only glared at the Prince and then asked why they would want him, to which he only replied, "The Jade Emporer knew he was supposed to be dead and the fact he is alive implies that he is a danger to the balance. Since he came back from death, that means he has to be quite powerful, and not only that, but also I had a look into how he could've come back and I found out that you have a connection to him so he could be useful in keeping you in check. We can't attack you because even though you have caused numerous occasions of chaos in Heaven, you haven't done anything that would be worthy of the fillet."

After hearing about the fillet, Macaque stepped in front of Wukong and then whispered in his ear, "We can't let that happen. The fillet is a cursed object that tightens around the wearers head, and it can cause unimaginable pain. We can't let them put it on you or Kai." Wukong then nodded and lowered his guard just a smidge, so he wasn't seen as too much of a threat.

Kai, who was still under Ne Zha's foot, took the opportunity of him being distracted to grab his leg with his tail and pull him off balance, and after Ne Zha's was off of Kai he used that chance to escape and ran to join Wukong and Macaque, but he stood next to Wukong so he wasn't distracted by Macaque being next to him.

After Ne Zha regained his balance and he'd realised he'd lost the only advantage he had, he took a defensive position, and he spoke in a commanding voice, "Kai come here and come to heaven willingly and there doesn't have to be a fight and all this could be resolved." Kai shook his head and went to attack but was stopped by Wukong.

Seeing the look of concern in the others' eyes, he held back and instead decided to use a nonphysical approach where he used his shadow clones to attack Ne Zha from behind. Not expecting this, he jumped back, barely missing their attack, and realised he was now facing away from them. Turning round fast enough to give him whiplash, he saw that a portal had been put behind him, and because of how much speed he had jumping away from the clones, he had no way to avoid it. As he went through the portal, he said, "I will be back with Heaven."

As soon as the portal closed, Kai collapsed to his knees because he hadn't made a portal going so far before. As soon as he fell, Wukong was at his side and asking what he did, and Kai replied, "I made a portal to heaven." The words shocked Wukong as Kai had just mattered his powers, and Macaque couldn't do that for years, so he was quite impressed. But that feeling disappeared as soon as it came when he realised what Ne Zha had said. He then looked at Macaque, who was standing behind him but was still far enough not to be awkward, and he said, "Mac, we need a plan. If Heaven really is coming, then we need to either fight them off or run. And I can't protect Kai and fight the army at the same time."

Macaque nodded in agreement, and they went back inside and Wukong carried Kai in because he was too weak to stand. When inside, Wukong lay Kai down on the couch and then joined Macaque in the kitchen so they could talk without Kai hearing. He wouldn't be able to hear any eat because he fell unconscious not long after collapsing.

Once in the kitchen, Wukong walked over to Macaque, who was making teas for the both of them to have while they talked on what to do next, and after the tea's were made, they drank utter silence. Until Macaque spoke up, saying, "I think we should seal Kai away for now." This completely caught Wukong off guard, and he almost spat out his tea. He then yelled in response, "WHY IN BUDDHAS NAME WOULD WE EVER DO THAT?!" Macaque just had a sad expression on his face, and he looked away, saying, "Wukong, I know it's out of the question, but you said it yourself, you can beat the army but me and Kai can't and you can't fight and protect us at the same time so that leaves us with one option, and this one will secure Kai's safety."

The determination Wukong had before disappeared as he realised Macaque was right, and if they sealed Kai away, they could buy him some time, so when he came  back, he wouldn't have all of Heaven going after him. Also, he would be in a safe place, not even the Buddha could find him, and they could visit him whenever they wanted to so he wouldn't be completely alone. Seeing no  other option, Wukong agreed but said, "If we are going to do this, I want Kai to have his own say in this also if he does agree we will need to do some research on a seal that could keep him from even the Buddhas eyes. Macaque then nodded in agreement, and they both went to check on Kai before heading to bed, and they saw he was still peacefully sleeping on the couch where they left him, then they went to their own room, turned the light off and fell asleep in each others arms.


(I finally finished one with a half conclusive ending. Also, I am sorry if the ending seems a bit rushed. I lost my phone on Wednesday and didn't get it back until Thursday, so I wasn't able to finish)

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