Falling Apart

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"You were dead for 30 years," Wukong said a bit louder than before, and as soon as Kai heard it, his stomach dropped, and he almost passed out right there and then. Wukong noticing that Kai was about to pass out caught him with his tail standing him up again whilst Kai got his barings back. Large tears then started streaming down Kai's face as he thought of what Wukong had to go through whilst he was gone / dead.

Wukong saw the tears and pulled Kai into a hug, and allowed some of his own tears to fall. Then, after Kai had calmed down and half processed the information, he pulled away from Wukong and wiped his eyes, then looked at his bandaged hand and then at the glass shard that was now on the floor behind them.

He thought to ask what had happened in the time he was gone but decided not to as it didst seem like the right time.

After they had both fully calmed down and only had red, puffy eyes, they both went to the living room where Macaque was sitting on the couch watching TV. After hearing the other 2 come in, he paused what he was watching and shuffled over to the edge of the couch, then patted the seats next to him, gesturing for them to sit.

Wukong and Kai then sat down with Macaque on the right side of the couch, Kai, on the left and Wukong in the middle, keeping the peace. Macaque then asked what they wanted to ask, then suddenly made a face that said he regretted asking when Wukong punched his fists in the air and yelled "Monkey Cop marathon", and Kai said the same but in a much quieter voice.

Macaque knew for a fact they had both watched the entire marathon multiple times and just sighed with an annoyed look on his face that disappeared as fast as it got there when he saw how happy Wukong was.

18 movies into the 25 movie marathon Kai had fallen asleep and was now resting his head on Wukongs lap, and Wukong was still watching the marathon but was now gently stroking Kai's hair so both he and Kai could relax morebafter what happene earlier. When he was sure that Kai was fast asleep so he couldn't hear what they were saying he paused the movie they were on, and Macaque then turned to face him as he never paused the movie.

Wukongs expression then grew sadder, and he looked at Macaque and asked him when the last time he went into Kai's room was, Macaque was confused but just said, "I haven't been in there since the accident because I don't want to make things awkward. Why?" Wukong then had tears falling down his face like a dam had finally burst.

Macaque now concerned asked why Wukong was crying, and he explained everything to him, and it left Macaque in utter shock. After hearing this, tears started to prick the corners of his eyes, but he held them in trying to stay strong for Wukong. Knowing what he had done to Kai, he was sure he now hated him and the scar he had left behind but never thought it would go that far.

He then hugged Wukong, being careful not to wake Kai, who was still fast asleep. Macaque then just whispered under his breath, "I'm sorry," Wukong inly heard this because Macaques face was on his shoulder, so it was close by.

After Macaque said this, Wukong pulled back from the hug to find Macaque now had tears streaming down his face, and he was now repeating the same thing over and over. Wukong used his paw to lift Macaques head so he could see his face, and he then held his cheek gently, then he pulled Macaque into a kiss, which he was surprised at, but just went with it.

After a minute, Wukong pulled away and then said softly, "We both know it wasn't your fault. Kai knows it, too, but it's not something you forget easily." Macaque then looked at Kai, who was somehow still asleep on Wukongs lap and then focused on the large scar on his eye and remembered how he got it, and the stream of tears became larger and fatter as he was hot with a wave of guilt. Wukong didn't like seeing his mate cry, so he then just tried to reassure him, saying it was OK, but he Macaque didn't believe him. So he then pulled Macaque into his side, and he then rested his head on top of Macaques and just told him to relax. Macaque, still feeling guilty, chose to relax and fell asleep not long after, from mental exhaustion.

Wukong, on the other hand, stayed awake for a few more hours and decided to enjoy the life he had with Macaque and Kai, and he then decided not to ever leave them again. He then soon drifted off to sleep, and they all slept peacefully in a pile of fluff on the couch.


In the morning, Kai was the first to wake up, but he wasn't met with a nice wake-up call as he had rolled off the couch and landed on the floor and the thud he made when he landed woke Macaque up which then woke Wukong up with the sudden movement. After realising what had woken them up, Wukong burst out laughing, and Kai just pouted for a seconds then seeing that it was, in fact, funny and started laughing himself. Macaque, on the other hand, just smiled at the 2 bright beings next to him like they are his everything.

After Wukong had stopped laughing, he helped Kai up from the floor, and they both went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, which them turned out to be lunch as it was 1 in the afternoon. Macaque soon joined them and ate a plum as the other two ate Peaches, but about 10 minutes later, Kai had finished 3 Peaches and asked if he could train with Wukong because he hadn't in ages.

Wukong then softly smiled at the thought of training with Kai and agreed, and after Wukong finished his 4th peach, they both went out of the hut to a clearing inside the cave so they were hidden.

Not even a minute later, a large thud shook the mountain, and Macaque dropped his plum and rushed out to check where it came from, and to his shock, he found Wukong growling viciously at someone who was standing on top of Kai pinning him to the ground with a spear next to his head.


(Who is this person? You will either have to guess or find out next week when I post an update. Also, I do this because if I ended it conclusively, then you wouldn't have a need to keep reading.)

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