In the Dark

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It was dark, oh so very dark, and there seemed to be nothing around me, just an empty void. It felt weird, though, like I was in 2 places at once, but I was still one person. It was a strange feeling, but one I welcomed instead of the darkness that surrounded me.

There was no way to tell what direction was up, down, left, right, north, south, east and west so when I stood up I was standing on nothing and something at the same time. It was the weirdest thing I've ever felt.

I'm not sure how much time has passed since I was sealed in the stones. The last thing I remember was feeling myself in the air, a warm glow surrounding me, and then nothing just this place. I remember the faces of Wukong and Macaque when I was glowing and the absolute confusion and annoyance of the Celestial army, but thinking back on it, they were just hilarious.

Even in here, everything I think of just gets soured as I realise I have no one but myself, and I can't do much either. I have no chains, but I'm stuck in the same spot. There are no walls, yet I'm caged like a beast, and any sense of self I had is slowly disappearing into the void.

There's no Sun, no Moon, no Light so there's no way of telling how much time has passed so I could be a day away from my 300th anniversary of me being sealed here or my first month has just passed by. I wonder how Mac and Wukong are doing?

OK, so what have I done since I got here? Hmm.....

So I've meditated, sat, lied down, and contemplated everything....

I've done nothing.


SERIOUSLY I'M STUCK IN WHAT IS BASICALLY A VOID FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG! It might be 300 years. Who knows! I sure don't, and I'll find out how long I've been in here when u get out. And who knows when that is!</p>

So nothing is probably the only thing I can do! As I can't get hungry, exhausted, tired and can only watch to try to tell the passage of time in a dark place, and that's is when you feel those things otherwise your not sure how much time has passed....


I can't get exhausted, tired, or hungry, which means I'll never run out of energy, which means I can train until I get released from this place!

And with how ever long I'm in here for, I will probably be as strong as Macaque and even Wukong. Who'll need protection then! Not me!

Ha! Ha!

*awkward silence*

*face palms*

I'm losing my mind.

Either way, losing my mind or not, I have someone to do. I can meditate and train my powers and my body, and since there is nothing here, there's nothing to break and no boundaries.

I can do what I want!

Wukong, you better watch out because as soon as I'm out of here, we're going to see who's stronger!!


Kai wasn't sure how much time had gone by, but just as he thought he was able to train his powers, his body, his mind, and he wouldn't get tired even the slightest. It was like when you're full of energy at the beginning of a workout, but your energy stays the same, never decreasing.

Since he had an entire realm/void to himself kai took the opportunity to use his shadows powers the most as there was no light so he was basically surrounded by the very essence of what made this magic so powerful. His light magic on the other hand was harder as he had to work harder to make his own light, but the powers he got from Wukong were still easy to control as he was there own source of energy meaning he could just do those continuously.

The only thought that soured all this was that when he got out he'd have to keep reminding himself for a while that he needs to eat, drink, sleep and becareful of how long he trains for.

He pushed those extra thoughts to the side for now as if he kept thinking about when he'd get out he would just end up losing it, and that wouldn't help anyone. Especially when he eventually gets out.

Whenever that is.

His training kept him busy and without exhausted and sunlight he had no idea as to how long he had been training for so when a large white crack appeared on the walls of what he'd called home for the last who knows how long he was quite confused and even scared as he didn't know what was happening nor why.

When the cracks only grew bigger Kai had to shield his eyes as the light was too bright and the void was all darkness and no light so even if it was a dim light faced away from him he would have to shield his eyes and wait for them to adjust.

As the cracks grew and grew, a shattering sound soon followed, and he was suddenly falling like the ground beneath him was gone. When he opened his eyes, he waited for a few minutes for them to adjust, but as they did, he felt the ground below him.

It was stone.

After my eyes had adjusted to all the light i saw, I was in a cave, and when I looked at my hand, I saw I was right and I was on stone. I then brushed my hand against the
hard surface, and though it was cold like the void, I couldn't help but feel warm at the feeling of somewhere below me. I then looked around and sat up so I was upright as my legs felt like lead for some reason.

As soon as I sat up, I pushed back down to the ground by something, and I was about to try and get them off when I smelt something I hadn't in a long time.

Peaches and Mangoes.

I looked down, and I saw I was right. Turns out I was hugged by 2 monkeys, one with golden fur, the other with pitch black, and I actually started to cry as I realised who they were.

I then hugged them both tightly as I cried my eyes out at finally being reunited with them and being back in the mortal world.

"Macaque, Wukong!"

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