Broken ties

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"I finally found you,"


After recognizing the voice, Wukong looked up to see Macaque standing in front of him with a relieved expression and tears in his eyes. He wanted to call out but was stopped when he felt 2 gentil yet strong arms wrap around his neck and tighten as if he would disappear if he let go, although that would be quite hard since he was currently chained under a mountain.

As Macaque was holding him, Wukong nuzzled his face against Macaques as he was so glad to see him, but he couldn't really move, so that was all he could do. Wukong had chains wrapped around his arms, legs, and then one that just heavily sat on his tail, so he couldn't use it to somehow get out.

Both were so happy to see the other that tears were actually falling down their faces (This is important as they haven't cried in centuries). Macaque was barely able to speak, so when he spoke, it sounded a bit broken off, "I- I- I can't beli- believe it. I actually f- found yo- ou." He was almost sobbing, and Wukong could hear the joy and relief in his voice, but there was also an unspoken pain to it, like he had had his hope built up only for it to be let down over and over again. He could only guess that Macaque had been looking for him after he was sealed away and probably found a lot of dead ends.

After they had both calmed down, Macaque stepped back so he could see Wukong more clearly, and to his shock, he saw his mate kneeling on the ground with chains keeping in what looked to be in a uncomfortable position. He now was determined to get him out of this so they could go back to the mountain, so he then grabbed one of the chains on Wukongs wrist and tried to break it. When he used all his strength and even used his shadows to aid him, the chain wouldn't budge, and when he looked at Wukong, all he could see was sadness and hopelessness. After seeing I couldn't get him out, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and I made a promise to get him out one day.

Wukong chuckled at the 'one day' part,' and then he then nuzzled against his mate, knowing he had every intent to keep it. After making the promise to find a way to release Wukong, Macaque kissed Wukong goodbye and then used his shadow portals to leave and find his mate a way out.


A few days felt like an eternity to Wukong, and not knowing what was going on on the outside was troubling him, so when Macaque finally came back, he was overjoyed to see him once more. When Macaque came over to him, Wukong noticed he was holding some scrolls, and when he asked about them, Macaque began to say what he had been doing over the time he was gone.

"After leaving you, I went to a few monasteries and abandoned temples to find some information on any spell, artefact, or even demon that could break these chains, and for weeks, all I found was old spells that has been completed or some information on demons that could break the chains, the only only problem with the demons is that since they had the power to break these chains they were subsequently wiped out." Wukong was sad at the news as any hope he had slowly diminished, then after going over the words in his head once more, he picked out a key point, "Hey Mac did you say weeks?"

Macaque nodded, and Wukong just stared at him in both surprise and shock, and when Macaque asked him why, he answered, "I thought it had only been a few days, not weeks." Macaque then was confused as to why he thought that, but then after taking one look around the cave, he realised that no light was able to get in, so he had no idea what time it was. He then pulled out one of the scrolls and lay it on the ground for his king to see. It read

The one who is bound
will no longer be wild
They will be brought to Heavens light
In the name of the Celestial Realm
And Enlightenment of Buddha

After reading it, Wukong looked extatic as this was the release spell he had been searching for, but when he looked back up to see Macaques face, all he saw was sadness, regret, disappointment, he asked why and tears began to prick his mates eyes as he shakily said, "I'm Sorry."

Wukong wondered why Mac was apologising and crying when this was great news, but his question was answered when Macaque spoke whilst wiping his eyes.

"This is the spell to get you out, and this should be great news, but there's a catch to it. Only a follower of God, a Celestial Warrior, or a Monk can perform the spell." The tears were now rushing down Macaques face as he continued."So Wukong that you're stuck until Heaven decide to let you out. I'm so sorry."

His hope of getting out now destroyed, Wukong then stared at the ground, thinking about everything that led up to this moment, and when he went over it in his head he became angry at himself for getting himself into this mess.

When Macaque saw Wukong stare at the ground and then become angry, he thought he was blaming him for what was happening and was then internally cursing him. (Which wasn't entirely wrong. He was cursing someone internally, but it wasn't Macaque it was himself) When his thoughts became too painful to think about and him being still high on emotions, let them take over and cloud his judgement, so without thinking it through he yelled at Wukong, "WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME?!" As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted saying them but didn't say anything still believing in the lies his mind had made up.

When Wukong heard his mates outburst, he looked up from where he was staring and saw the anger in the others' eyes, and since he was too busy being angry at himself, he didn't hear him properly and he was still shocked from what he thought was an accusation, so he sheepishly replied, "...what?" Macaque then let his rage take over, no longer thinking of the consequences of all of this, and all logic had been thrown out the window.

(This next bit is mainly going to he speech)(M = Macaque, W = Wukong)

M - "You know what. You're blaming me for all of this when I've done nothing but help you."

W - "What are you talking about? I haven't blamed you for any of this, and I'm the only one in this mess, so why are you angry?!"

M - "You're in this mess because you didn't listen. You didn't pay attention, and I am in this mess as while I've been looking for a way to free you, I've also been running from the Celestial army and trying not to get caught. But I guess that was a waste of time as usual."

W - "Waste of Time! I didn't ask you to look for me, and you made the promise that you were going to find a way to free me. So I had nothing to do with your 'waste of time'."

M - "Well, that was a mistake. I can't believe I spent weeks of valuable time trying to get a self obsessed demon out of an eternal prison."

W - "Self obsessed?! Why would I be self obsessed?!"

M - "You litera-"

W - "You know what Macaque don't ever come here again and if I ever see your face again I won't hold back."

M - *scoff* "Fine, but when you finally get out of here, don't ce looking for me, and if you do." *low almost evil chuckle* "I won't hold back either."

Macaque then opened one of his shadow portals and fell through it, taking the scrolls with him, and Wukong was left alone in the dark cave where he would remain for 500 years.


(Sorry this took so long.

I am also very sorry about this, but I am going to be putting all of my books on hold as there are 3 one-shots I said I would do and I haven't started a single one of them. I also have 2 GCSE exams next week, and doing too many books will overload me with stress.

However, once the 3 one-shots are finished, published, and done with, I will continue with my books, and the next chapter update will be on 'My dad is the Monkey King'

See you in the next update.)

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