Heir of the Tribe

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Khai Estate, Tahv City, Kesh (35ABY),

It was a sunny day as the bright red orange sun beamed across Kesh's captial, Tahv City. Sith Apprentice Vestara Khai was training with her master Lady Olaris Rhea to become a Sith Saber just like her father, Gavar Khai. Vestara was practicing her lightsaber skills and was spinning her crimson lightsaber and swung it several times as she imagined she was dueling a Jedi. Lady Rhea was impressively watching her apprentice excel and master her lightsaber abilities with ease.

"You have performed admirably," Lady Rhea said as Vestara deactivated her lightsaber. "Your father will be very proud of you."

"Thank you master," Vestara said as she bowed to her master. "Your lessons have taught me how to master my abilities."

"And I will continue teaching you," Lady Rhea said. "I sense that you will play a pivotal role in the Tribe's future. But for now, you are free to be with your family and continue practicing on riding your uvak, Tikk."

"I will," Vestara said as she started to walk to the cantina.

As Vestara entered the cantina and drank her spotchka, she imagined what the future would look like if she completed her training. She then glanced at a Mandalorian helmet on the counter and paid the bartender and walked back to the Khai Estate to see her mother, Lahka and her father Gavar.

As she arrived at the estate, Gavar greeted her and gave her a tight hug while Lahka was cooking scazz steaks and burra fish.

"Welcome home my child," Gavar said. "Lady Rhea told me that your training was a success. I'm very proud of you, Vestara."

"Thank you father," Vestara said with a smile. "I will continue to perform my best for my people."

"Indeed," Gavar said. "One day Vestara, Kesh will look up to you and your training with Lady Rhea will prepare you for when you will have to lead Kesh."

"I fear that I might not make an effective leader," Vestara said turning her head to Lahka. "Plus I don't want leave my family and abandon my hobbies."

"I completely understand," Gavar said placing a hand on Vestara's shoulder. "I was the same way when I was your age, but Grand Lord Vol is counting on you for this family has existed for thousands of years."

"I understand father," Vestara replied lowering her head. I just need some fresh air before supper. It's been a long day."

"Go ahead," Gavar said. "You deserve some rest after some hard work."

As Vestara mediated on the balcony, she felt a presence in the force and was greeted by a male's voice.

"Hello Vestara," the voice said. "I sense that you are unsettled."

"Indeed Ship," Vestara said. "I fear that I might make an excellent leader for my people and I'm not ready to leave my family and put aside my hobbies."

"I understand your concerns for you are not the only troubled Sith that I am guiding," Ship said. "But I want you to think about what the future holds. Kesh will follow you and you will play a significant role in Kesh's success against the Jedi."

"I would do anything to have the Jedi destroyed," Vestara said. "It is my destiny."

"Then if you want to witness the fall of the Jedi," Ship said. "You must prepare to take more responsibilities in leading your people."

"I understand," Vestara said. "I won't disappoint you and I will complete my training."

As Vestara stood back up to have supper, she remembered what Ship told her that she is not the only troubled Sith undergoing guidance from him but hoped that this Sith could help her bring an end to the Jedi Order.

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