The Destined Leader

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The cliffs,

The Sith forces were struggling to defeat the Isotope 5 droids as they killed two more Sith sabers and Lucian was struggling to defeat the soldiers and destroy the skiffs. Rhea, Taalon, and Xal had to have the rest of the Sith forces fall back until suddenly two of the Isotope 5 droids were suddenly destroyed. Vestara and Gavar then arrived and began to cut down the Hutt forces with ease and Vestara then used all of her might and fired a powerful volley of force lighting at the last droid instantly destroying it. The Sith then began to charge and eliminate the Hutt offensive thus slowing their assault.

"Vestara," Taalon said in shock. "You have completed the final steps of your training. You are now a member of the Circle of Lords as a High Lady. Grand Lord Vol would like to personally speak with you for your heroism."

"Thank you Lord Taalon," Vestara said bowing her head. "However, we have only slowed down the Hutts and we need to find a way to hold our ground and ultimately defeat them. With that said, I will speak to Ship for guidance to defeat the enemy."

"Very well," Taalon said. "Let us proceed."

As the Sith arrived at the Circle of Lords Chamber, Grand Lord Vol and Ivaar Workan greeted Vestara and Gavar with Rhea, Taalon, Lucian, and Xal standing next to Vol and Workan. Vestara then knelt in front of the Grand Lord and lowered her head.

"You have performed admirably," Vol said. "With you, Kesh will be safer than before. You have proven that you are worthy to be a member of the Circle of Lords as a High Lady, and for that I bid you welcome for you will continue to inspire future generations of Sith across Kesh. You may rise Lady Khai."

The other Sith then ignited their lightsabers and stood next to Vestara as she walked towards the entrance displaying a militaristic style. Vestara then climbed on her speeder and proceeded to the Khai Estate to talk to Ship and find out the identity of the other Sith that Ship is guiding.

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