chapter 3.

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Thursday 6:27p.m.

Scaramouche sat outside, he didn't want to go back to his dorm until after classes tomorrow, surely his mother would let him stay over right? He rushed to get his keys out of his pockets, he saw Kazuha and Heizou and didn't wish to see either, he failed. "Yo Scara!!" He sighed, putting his keys back, turning to the two. Heizou ran up. "Do you wanna hang out some time? Me and Kazu are free tonight, we could watch movies or just play games." Scaramouche looked at Kazuha, who had a soft smile. "I have plans already." "Awh, what a shame, see you tonight, bye scara~" he was obviously in a playful mood. Scaramouche took his keys out once again, twirling them on his finger as he walked to his car. He opened the door, he needed to check the location his mother wanted to meet, it wasn't far, he was a little upset but would still ask to stay with her.

He calmly drove to the place, he had a feeling it wasn't gonna be just his mother, Miko always found a way to show up, he knew Ei was easy to convince. He arrived, and sure enough Miko stood, playing with Ei's hair to tease her. The attention of Miko went to his car, she pointed to it. Scaramouche calmly got out, he didn't want to have a bunch of attention on him when with his mother, let alone her "friend". He walked up, looking at his mother who smiled softly. "Hello dear, its been a while." Miko stepped forward, ruffling his hair "its been a while Kunikuzushi." Scaramouche looked at her, she smirked. "Don't call me that." Miko backed up "why yes, of course." Ei looked at Miko with a look, telling her to stop, she did, backing up. "Miko, Kunikuzushi, stay here and chat while I go get our seats." Miko nodded, waiting until she left to let her ear twitch. "You know that bet, the one where you said Ei had really strong feelings for me?" "Of course." Miko handed him 20$ "I can't believe I bet on that with her child for archon's sake." Scaramouche took it laughing. "A son knows his mother well." Miko laughed too. "I should've thought first." Scaramouche and Miko chatted until Ei walked out. "We have a seat in the back, come on now." They sat at the table, Miko and Ei chatted while Scaramouche sat, wondering what had went wrong.

"Kunikuzushi. This is your test." Ei walked closer, her aura dark. Scaramouche looked up at him. "M-mom?" Ei moved closer, grabbing his hand and taking him outside. "Mom stop." Ei continued. "I am your mother. You will listen to me." Scaramouche gasped, her grip tightened. "Mom stop!" He could only remember blacking out, waking up in a quiet place, it was dark, and soon he was met by a little girl and her mom "how old are you?" Scaramouche sat "uhm..9." "Where's your parents?" "I don't know.." "Come home with me, I'll take care of you." The little girl looked at her mom. "This is Hatsu, she's my daughter." Hatsu looked at Scaramouche smiling, reaching out her hand.

Scaramouche sighed, if it weren't for his aunts death he would be in a better family, he knew how hard it was on Ei, and he was not about to play the victim. "Kunikuzushi, I brought you here to apologize to you, I'm sorry, I should have never left you like that." Scaramouche looked up. "Its okay mom, you weren't in the right mind when Aunt Makoto died." "Its still not right to abandon my child, that's why I want to rebuild this relationship, did you ever get a loving family? I regret my decision so much, and I'm so sorry." "Its okay mom, I understand how hard a death can be." Scaramouche heard a ding, it was his phone, he sighed. "Can I check that?" "Sure, we have plenty time to hang out." It was from Childe, they went to different colleges so its not often they spoke, he sighed. Ch: hey, I just got this boyfriend, we excuse the fact he's my professor, but he's hot, when r u getting bitches?
Scaramouche sighed in annoyance, he put the phone down. "Never mind, I just won't answer it." Miko giggled, she saw the text. "So Kuni, when are you getting bitches?" Scaramouche glared at Miko. "Whenever the hell I feel like it." Miko poked Ei. "Score yourself someone who you're willing to wait 5 years for, I got your mother, so surely it can't be that hard." Scaramouche glared at her, she was like a kitsune, it fit her perfectly. Scaramouche calmly grabbed his stomach, laying his head on the table. "You make me sick." "Are you sure that's not just your period?" "Yae." "Sorry Ei, I just gave to tease him~" she giggled. "You're acting like a child Yae. There is no need to bring such topics up." Miko apologized and looked at Scaramouche, he looked like he was about to pass out. "Have you slept well lately dear? You look tired." Scaramouche looked at his mom. "Yea, I get plenty of sleep every night, Miko is just making me feel sick." On second thought, he wasn't going to be staying with his mother. "Yae. No more sensitive topics or I'll send you home. I brought you in hopes of getting along, not making him feel sick. And no more reading either, this is supposed to be a reunion." Miko laughed, she wasn't intimidated but she knew Ei would send her home. "Alright, no need to send me home." Miko and Ei had been to restaurant countless times, it was Scaramouche who had to look at the menu, he did, he knew there wasn't going to be much he liked, he was right, so he simply got the same thing as Miko, it was called Jade parcels, he did read where it was from but forgot.

The waiter arrived, taking their orders, he was quite tall and looked familiar, he quickly got on his phone when he left, looking at the image childe sent, it matched the waiter. Sc:does he work at ****** as a waiter? Ch: yea, short on money Sc: name? Ch: Zhongli, y? Sc: bcz, I'm gonna talk to him. Ch: r u speaking bad of me? Sc:nope, I need entertainment, my moms gf is annoying Ch:o gud luck
Scaramouche waited for him to return. "Zhongli right?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "I'm friends with Childe, I thought you looked familiar so I had to ask." "Ajax huh, I'm guessing you're Scaramouche? He defined you as hotheaded and short with purple hair." Scaramouche was a little angry. "Did he now?" He got his phone out. "Thank you for your service here, you did me a great help." Zhongli chuckled, setting the drinks on the table. Sc: you're an asshole. Ch: what did he say? Sc: so I'm hotheaded and short with purple hair? Ch: oh goodbye, js rememberd I have work. Scaramouche sat his phone on the table, the food was there, he wasn't going to make a scene, his mother would never forgive him. Scaramouche calmly ate, the food was nice, he still preferred his own cooking though. After they ate dinner they decided to order desert. "Do you like dango kunikuzushi?" Scaramouche shook his head. "No, its too sticky." Ei nodded. Zhongli walked by. "Do yo wish to order yet?" Scaramouche turned to him. "Do you have unsweetened tea?" "Yes, not many like it, are you sure?" "Yes, its my favorite." Scaramouche waited for his mother and Miko to order. He focused on the back. "..and oh my Archons!, she wants me to work 7 hours overtime for a increased pay, 1,250 mora! I have a family, that is not fair!" He focused on a different one. "..that guy with the purple hair, he looks mean, don't go near him, and why is he sitting with such pretty young ladies? A kitsune and, holy shit. Raiden Ei." Scaramouche sighed, the food has arrived, he couldn't listen to the drama. "I have to leave soon, after this drink I should head back." Ei nodded. "Of course, you may leave when you want." Scaramouche finished his tea, setting the glass down gently. "Goodbye, this meeting was.. Nice." Scaramouche walked out, he was going back to the dorm, it was almost 12. He drove, it was dark, and quiet, he loved it.

He reached the dormitories, there was a guard. "Hello sir, you're back quite late." "My mother was treating me to dinner." The guy nodded, allowing him to head to his dorm. Once he reached the room he heard laughter, along with yelling, there was some unfamiliar voices, he was not ready to go in.

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