chapter 4.

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Friday 00:15a.m.

Scaramouche heard unfamiliar voices, he was not excited to go in, he unlocked the door walking in, there was a blonde with a braid, a drunk guy with blue and black hair and Xiao. Xiao and him were highschool mutuals. Kazuha and Heizou were nowhere in sight, he sighed quietly, going to a corner to quietly watch them. Heizou walked back out, visible hickeys on his neck. "We lasted the longest! You guys are fucking wimps, can't even stay in there for 10 minutes, let alone 7!" The blonde braided hair boy laughed. "Well I'm not about to be fucked in a friends dorm." Kazuha walked out, his hair was neater than Heizou's and he hid the hickeys on his body better. The black haired boy smiled. "Yo.. Heizou, are you sure its not Kazuha who tops you? Because..*Hic* he looks less of a mess than you." Heizou shook his head. "I'm sure." The black haired took another drink of wine, the bottle seemed almost empty. Scaramouche walked out of the corner immediately drawing attention to himself, he walked to his door ignoring them. "So this is what happens when I'm gone? I was better off with my moms." He opened his door, shutting it behind him, he sighed, collapsing onto his bed, he felt like shit. He had cramps like hell and it was loud, and reeked of alcohol. He reached around for his pain pills, nowhere to be found, he stood up he checked his desk, nothing, his bag, nothing. He hit his head on the wall groaning. "Fucking hellll" he opened his door walking out to the living room, he was met with a drunken man. "Yo? *Hic* you Heizou's roomie?" Scaramouche put his hand on his face, pushing him away and walking to the Kitchen.

Scaramouche looked around for his pills, they were nowhere to be found. He walked back out. "I'll be back in a hour. Need to run to a pharmacy." Kazuha walked over. "Wait, let me go with you, it's not safe to go late." Scaramouche was too tired. "If you bother me once I'm dropping you off in a ditch." Scaramouche walked out the door, his keys in hand. Kazuha followed after. "Heizou, do try to sleep, and you three can stay over if it comes to that." Kazuha got in the passenger side, Scaramouche calmly started his car, Mother Mother started playing. They were about 15minutes of the way when Burning pile started. Scaramouche hummed to it, Kazuha smiled, a little amused. "I take it you're a Mother Mother fan?" "Mother mother, acdc, queen, billie, Melanie Martinez, I listen to more, but those are the main." Scaramouche continued humming to the song, the pharmacy was in view. He parked close to the entrance, it was 24/7 open, he was glad. He walked in, Kazuha rushed in after. "Hey, don't walk so fast." Scaramouche walked in, his usual wasn't there, he panicked internally, would Kazuha discover?

Scaramouche walked to a woman, she turned, hell he wished Baizhu was there. She turned. "Name please, and your prescription?" Scaramouche looked at Kazuha and back at her. "Kunikuzushi Raiden." "Ah, Ms Raiden, I'm guessing you're out of pain medication, hold on a moment please ma'am." Scaramouche felt his gut twist. Misgendered in front of his roommate. Kazuha realized but just thought it was a mistake. "Here you are Ms, I hope your pain resides." Scaramouche nodded. "And please be safe, its not safe for young women like you." Scaramouche felt a stab in his gut, did she really have to point it out? He turned to the door, hurrying to his car, he sat waiting for Kazuha, when he got sight of him he felt a pain in his gut, why? Kazuha sat down. "So I'm guessing you're not going to discuss it?" Scaramouche nodded. "Were stopping at a gas station if that's fine with you." Kazuha nodded, he couldn't understand how Scaramouche felt, after all being misgendered in front of someone you see daily is not fun. "But, you know I don't mind right? Its fine, it won't change how I see you." Scaramouche looked away, he started the car and drove in silence, he knew this would happen, he just didn't want it to happen three days after knowing him. Scaramouche saw the gas station and pulled in. "I have to get gas too, its already pretty late." Scaramouche got out, it was Friday morning, he would get a break, and have to work the next day. Scaramouche went to the back, he was not gonna sleep, the dorm reeked of alcohol, his cramps were like hell, and he felt like shit, he wasn't gonna show it though. He hurried to get a monster and get out, the line had one person before him, he was impatient to leave. He finally got there and paid for his drink and gas, he just had to pump yllh (I'm not removing this- I tried spelling the) the gas and he was home free, he could hear Kazuha humming, it was oddly soothing.

Scaramouche finally was free, it was 2:01, later than he would prefer to be out. Kazuha looked at him when he got in the car. "Its pretty late, are you not tired?" Scaramouche started to drive. "There is no guarantee that I will sleep tonight, it sure was... Eventful." "Ah, at the pharmacy" Scaramouche gritted his teeth. "Shut the fuck up about that. If that is ever brought up again I will beat the shit out of you." Kazuha was a little taken aback, he smiled softly. "Its alright, I won't, I understand how the topic is." They finally reached the dorm, Scaramouche hurried to his room, he wasn't gonna attempt to see if the others were still there, he wanted a break, he took a pill from his newly acquired meds and opened his monster taking them at the same time, he knew it would take a while to kick in, maybe he could trick himself into falling asleep, he laid on his bed stuffing his face into his pillow. Right as soon as he thought he was going to fall asleep he heard a noise, it was faint, he attempted to listen, hoping it wasn't his imagination. "Hng-! Heizou.. Scaramouche is trying to sleep" Scaramouche immediately covered his ears, he wanted to die right there and then, he wished he could sleep, he didn't want to listen to this shit, his cramps had resided but he knew he would suffer. He remembered what happened that day, being misgendered countless times in front of Kazuha, not to mention his Moms girlfriend being an ass. He felt tears well in his eyes. Why..? Why am I such a shitty person? Now he knows.. He hates me.. he's just acting like he enjoys my presence.. There's no way someone as kind as him could ever care about me.. Scaramouche cried, tears fell, he felt like shit. Why did he care so much about what Kazuha though of him anyways? He grabbed his chest, it felt hard to breathe, he hadn't taken his binder off in so long, he hated his chest. Scars covered his chest from self harm, he felt his breathing slow, there was a buzz, another one, he was getting a call, at 2:45am. He took a deep breath, and picked up his phone, his 'mom' he panicked, could it be Hatsu? He pucked up. "Scara!! Mommy and Daddy are fighting again.. I'm scared! Daddy has a gun.. What if I get hurt! Please Scara! Come home please! I'm scared.!!" Scaramouche felt his heard race a bang from the other side of the phone. "MOMMY NO!" Hatsu hung up. "H-hatsu?" Scaramouche felt paralyzed from fear, he stood up, his balance really off, he rushed to his for fumbling with his keys, he had to get there fast, Hatsu was in severe danger.

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