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Connor is seen inside his classroom, waiting for class to start. Eventually, the teacher arrived, but with someone, a new student to be exact.

"Everyone please welcome Crystal...starting today, she's going to be in our class." Said the teacher. Everyone stares at Crystal with a shocked look, due to her looking pretty, it got almost every guys attention.

Connor makes a small smile when seeing her, remembering how she said she was planning to come to the school the last time they met.

Due to Crysral's age, her father felt as if she shouldn't be working just yet and wants her to study in her final years as a teen so she can have a chance to get friends and such.

Anyway, Crystal walks to her desk, which was next to Connor's and the moment the sat down, the teacher began starting class.

As the day goes by, Crystal was flirted with by everyone the moment they get the chance to, but Crystal doesn't accept any of their offers and ignores their flirts.

By the time it was lunch, Connor sighs, about to get up when Crystal approached him, smiling.

"Connor! Want to have lunch with me?" Asked Crystal. "Huh? Oh, sure, but mind if I bring my friends?" Asked Connor. "Oh, um...sure." Said Crystal, smiling.

Connor nods and got up, walking to Jim and Zoe, telling them about eating with Crystal and they agreed to come, them also getting Duke along the way. Connor and his friends went to the cafeteria, where they went to a table after getting food and began eating as they talk.

As they do so, Connor notice from the corner of his eye, Connor saw people approaching them. When getting to the table someone spoke. "Hey, why are you hotties doing with these losers?" Asked a boy.

"Why not?" Asked Crystal, annoyance in her voice. "Well, why not eat with us? We would treat you right and you'll wish your with us." Said the boy. Crystal and Zoe looks uncomfortable, making Connor speak.

"Hey, your making my friends uncomfortable...leave them alone." Said Connor. They turn to him before one of the boys spoke. "Shut it fatty, you have no say in this." Said the boy. Connor looks at him before getting off his seat, approaching them, making the boys get up too since they were sitting by Crystal and Zoe.

"If it involves my loved ones, it is my business and I get a say...if you don't stop making my friends uncomfortable, I'll kick your ass." Said Connor in a cold tone. The boys laugh. "You think your hot shit? Your just a fatty! Just cause you get to sit with hot babe's doesn't mean you are strong, same with your weak friends." Said the boy.

Connor looks at him before before swinging a punch, hitting him in the stomach and make him grunts as he fall to a knee, holding his stomach as he vomit.

"Don't ever insult my friends...bitch." Said Connor. Connor stares down at the boy on his knee, the second to the side, looking angry. "And to answer your question...no I don't think I'm hot shit...I don't care for Crystal and Zoe's looks...they are beautiful, but even so, doesn't mean I'd act as it they were objects like you do...you just want them for their looks, not for their personality...just as you all mistreat Jiho and Duke cause of their looks spite them being strong willed people who are great to be around and be friends with, same with Crystal and Zoe, pretty or not, ugly or not." Said Connor.

Connor's friends look at Connor, hearing his words. Connor then spoke again. "And my friends are all I have left...which is why I don't care what happens to me, but hurt my friends or make them uncomfortable and I'll beat you...and you better be lucky I'm strong willed enough to stop myself after beating you and maybe dislocating a body part...cause normally I'd do worse." Said Connor in a cold, murderous tone, scaring everyone around them.

Connor: Vol 14Where stories live. Discover now