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After what happened with Aru, she became more soft and kind to people. She became both selfish yet selfless when needed, offering people in need of money or support them.

She also does her best to make sure everyone is treated equal around the studio, mainly towards class C spite their popularity.

And not just that, but she apologised to everyone she hurt, mainly Oliver and Jasol, due to her hurting them the most.

As time flew by, things were better there for everyone and Aru has become a truly, good person, but kept what happened between her and Connor a secret, due to Connor not wanting people to find out, let alone Aru not wanting to remember almost being raped.

Anyway, Connor was currently walking home from work, sighing as he looked at his phone, texting his friends if their still up.

Just then, Connor stops dead in his tracks, feeling a hand tugging onto his sleeve. Turning his head, Connor saw a small girl with her hair in a bun and looking shy.

"E-Excuse me, can you take a flier?" Asked the girl. Connor noticed the girl had a flier for something. Giving her a warm smile, Connor put his phone away and took it.

"Sure, thank you." Said Connor. The girl nods as she went to run off, but as she does, Connor notice someone waiting by an alleyway. Getting suspicious, Connor stood there, waiting to be sure if they were a threat to the girl or not.

Getting there, Connor saw the girl stop and turn to the person, talking to them, not offering them a flyer.

Prepared to walk over in case they were a threat, Connor stopped when seeing that the person was Zack, smiling at the girl, patting her head.

Opon seeing Connor, Zack jolts, looking at him with a blush due to embarrassment. Connor looks at Zack and gives him a smirk before turning away.

Connor began walking away, before long feeling a hand on his shoulder. Turning, Connor saw Zack. "Never. Speak of this. To anyone." Said Zack. "Yeah, yeah...who was that anyway?" Asked Connor. Zack sighs as he looks down and spoke.

"That's Mira, my girlfriends little sister." Said Zack. "That so." Connor mutters. Connor and Zack continued walking as they went on talking, Zack going off at Connor, saying whatever he was thinking was wrong about him being nice to Mira, due to him thinking Connor was getting the wrong idea.

During the conversation, Connor looks at the flyer. It was a flyer to a tent that was owned by a hair dresser. "Hey, you know Mira, so do you by chance who owns the tent from the flyer Mira gave me?" Asked Connor.

Zack looked at the flyer.  "Oh, that's their mother...she's a hair dresser...due to her sight, she ain't able to stile too much, but that doesn't mean she can give you a good hairdo." Said Zack. "That so...huh, I guess I'll give it a try since I need a haircut." Said Connor. From there, Zack and Connor had to go their separate ways to get home.

Connor is seen walking to the tent that Mira's mother is using to cut hair, entering and earning the attention of a beautiful woman.

She had long brown hair with her eyes closed. She turns her head to Connor and gives him a smile.

"Hello, my name is Amanda, I am a hairdresser who takes the money of my costumers for charity." Said Amanda. Connor looks at her, smiling before approaching. "Hello, I got a flyer yesterday for this and thought I'd give it a try....I'm not asking for much, but a little trim." Said Connor.

"Of course, come, sit." Said Amanda. Connor walked to the seat she had that she used to cut people's hair. Connor sits down and she began. Using her fingers and a comb, Amanda shows the amount of hair she had and asked if that was the length he wanted cut. When getting to the right length, Connor said yes and she cuts the hair, making his hair shorter and Connor's eyes more visible since his hair was in the way.a

Connor: Vol 14Where stories live. Discover now