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As Zack waits for Connor to come back, he was thinking of him. He didn't exactly like Connor, but something about him makes Zack believe he needs to be on his side or trust him, given the situation he was in and from what he knew so far about Connor.

"Zack? Something wrong?" Asked Jackie. "Huh? Oh, yes I'm ok...just thinking." Said Zack. Just then, the door opens, revealing a group of men, wearing white and shaved heads. "Hello brothers and sisters, we are asked by brother Nickolas to bring you with us for...sacrifice." Said the man.

They all look at the group of men. "What? Sacrifice?" Asked Jackie. "I knew it...there was something wrong..." Zack mutters. "Where is the other brother?" Asked one of the men.

Connor is seen walking through the area he and the others saw by the cliff on their way there.

Connor had a hunch that what was happening was related to the cross and the smell of blood from before.

Connor got to the cross and makes a growl of anger, seeing his hunch was true.

Tied to the cross, Connor saw a naked man, covered in filth, blood and bruises. Connor walked to the man, using the virus to make claws and cut the rope, catching the man before he fell.

Gently resting him down by the cross, taking off his Jacket to cover the man, the man began opening his eyes, looking at Connor.

"Who...are you..." The man mutters. "I'm not one of them...what happened? Did they do this to you?" Asked Connor. The man weakly nods his head. "Can you tell me what happened?" Asked Connor. "I'm...a journalist...I was...investigating...this camp...but was caught and...seen as a sinner to them...so they tied me up and threw rocks at me." Said the man.

Connor looks at him before speaking. "Do you think you can sneak out of here?" Asked Connor. "Yes." Said the man. "Good...ok, I need you to get out of here and maybe if you can, find help...I'll take care of the others and get anyone else out." Said Connor.

The man nods, getting up and use Connor's jacket to wrap around his waist like a towel and limps away. Connor then turns to run to the building, hoping to find Zack and the girls.

Zack is seen attempting to fight the men, wanting to get passed them and save the girls. While he was busy taking care of them, some of the men took the girls so Zack attempted to save them.

Due to how many there were however, Zack was struggling. Zack kept fighting the best he could, wanting to save the girls, when suddenly, one of the men was punched in the face.

Zack looked up at the person, exhausted. "Took you...long enough." Said Zack. "Yeah...sorry I'm late...rest now Zack, you'll need your stamina." Said Connor. Nodding, Zack fell to the ground, letting his stamina restore as Connor took care of the rest of them.

Within minutes, Connor finished as he turns to Zack. "Zack, I'm gonna go get the girls, you think you'd be alright alone to recover your stamina?" Asked Connor. "Yeah...just...promise me you will protect them." Said Zack.

"I promise...when you are rested enough, I'll meet you at the entrance of the camp, alright?" Asked Connor. Zack nods. Connor then rushes to the exit, hoping to find the girls.

The sound of muffled cries echo as Mira, Amanda and Jackie is seen to crosses, naked.

They cry as all the other members of this camp, Nickolas included, smiling, praying for "god" as they practically bash their heads into the ground in a bow.

They eventually finished and stood up, prepared to throw rocks as they chant about them being sinners and such.

They then began throwing rocks towards them, causing the girls to scream in horror, closing their eyes, prepared to get rocks thrown at them.

Connor: Vol 14Where stories live. Discover now