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Connor is seen exiting a bar, blood on his hands from fighting. Connor came to the bar to relax, but a drunk began sexual harassing a woman there so Connor told him to leave, but then he picked a fight and gave Connor no choice but to fight back.

Connor sighs as he walked down the street, hiding his stained hands in his pockets. Connor walked down the street to his house since not too long from now he had to get to work, so he needed to get ready.

Anyway, cutting through an alleyway to get to his house, Connor stopped when seeing Oliver talking with Aru, who looked angry, a bunch if buff men, maybe bodyguards around her too.

"Aru, I'm sorry for Connor." Said Oliver. "Shut it! You know where he lives right? Give me his address! I want to get some payback." Said Aru. "I told you, I don't and even if I did, I can't say." Said Oliver.

Connor sighs as he walked towards them, earning their attention. When seeing him, they turn their attention to him.

"Ah, I planned to send these men to your home, but I see that, that isn't needed." Said Aru. Connor stops in front of her, looking down at the woman. "Look, I don't care if you are after me, but leave my friends and teachers alone." Said Connor.

"Ha! Like I'd listen to you...boys...beat him to a pulp." Said Aru. "Oliver...please step back, I don't want you hurt." Said Connor. Oliver was hesitant but nods and steps back, practically near Aru, but not too close, making it just Connor and the four men he was fighting.

One of the men threw a punch at Connor, causing Connor to use the palm of his right hand to hit the fist away, before swinging a left punch, hitting him square in the chest.

Winded by the punch, the man stepped back as he tried to breath, but taking the chance, Connor punch him in the nose, but did it downwards, making the nose break and not stab the inside of the man's brain.

The man grunts as his bleeds from his nose. Taking the chance, Connor kicked him in the shin, making him grunt again as he held it, making his face visible just enough for Connor to throw the finish blow, hitting his jaw and knock him out.

Falling to the ground, the man lays unconscious, bleeding from his broken nose. Connor looks up at the remaining three who were stunned yet angry.

Two attack Connor at once, one of them attempting to tackle Connor, but Connor stood his ground thanks to the strength of his legs and also having his head under Connor's armpit and his arm wrapped around his neck in a choke hold.

Doing so, Connor does a chop at a certain spot of the man's neck that makes him temporarily paralysed.

Unable to move or keep his ground, the man fell to the ground, unable to move nothing but his eyes.

The third man threw a punch, this time actually hitting Connor, however the mental in his head kept him conscious and not badly injured, the man however had a broken hand.

The man yells as he fell back, holding his hand. Connor then lunges forward, hitting the man on the crotch and force him to his knees, kneeing the side of the man's jaw and knock him unconscious.

Looking at the last man, Connor saw that he was bigger, muscular and looked to be well trained.

The man lunges at Connor, successfully tackling him and got Connor into a Judo hold, attempting to break Connor's leg, but Connor makes the joints from his ankle, knee and thigh dislocate, giving Connor more limit of movement and got himself on top of the man, throwing a strong punch to the man's jaw, knocking him out, making the man let go of Connor's leg.

With his leg free, Connor stood up as he relocates his joints. Connor then turns to Oliver and Aru, who were stunned and in fear at what Connor just did.

Connor: Vol 14Where stories live. Discover now