Destiny's Call.

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Selena's House.

The day had dawned with a sense of anticipation, and Selena was more than ready to dive into her world of flavors and stories. With each brushstroke of makeup, each choice of attire, she transformed into the charismatic host that her audience loved to watch. Her energy was contagious as she glided through her morning routine.

Downstairs, her crew bustled with the energy of a well-oiled machine. "Selena, we're ready to roll!" came the call from the director.

Selena flashed a quick grin at her reflection, a moment of affirmation before she headed to the heart of her show. The set was a symphony of colors, props, and a buzzing kitchen, all waiting for her to add her magic.

"Day 3 of Selena + Chef, season 4," she thought, a surge of pride coursing through her. Her partner in culinary adventures, Raquelle, joined her on set, and their camaraderie was evident in their exchanges.

As they exchanged a playful banter, Selena felt the familiar thrill that came with the start of a new shoot. The dialogue flowed effortlessly, a reflection of the bond she shared with Raquelle both on and off the screen.

**Flashback to 2004**

The sunlit kitchen was a canvas of creativity as two young souls embarked on a culinary adventure. Barney's nimble fingers chopped, diced, and sautéed, while Selena's laughter and encouragement filled the air. Together, they formed an efficient duo, a perfect blend of enthusiasm and camaraderie.

"Sel, can you pass me the olive oil?" Barney's request came as he expertly flipped a pancake on the skillet.

Selena obliged, her hand reaching for the bottle. "Here you go, Barney! You're the expert today."

He chuckled, a hint of flour dusting his cheek. "Well, my mom has taught me a lot. Cooking is like a dance, you know? Timing, rhythm, and a dash of creativity."

Their teamwork bore fruit as a sumptuous breakfast emerged from their collaborative effort. They settled at the table, their faces glowing with pride as they admired their culinary masterpiece.

"This looks amazing, Barney!" Selena's eyes sparkled as she dug into a forkful of pancake.

Barney smiled, his gaze appreciating her delight. "Thanks, Sel. It's fun to cook, but it's even better to share it with someone who enjoys it."

As they savored their meal, Barney's mother entered the scene, a warm smile lighting up her features. "Sweetheart, it's time to go over your lines for the audition tomorrow."

Selena's fork paused midway to her mouth, surprise evident in her expression. "Audition? Barney, why didn't you tell me?"

Barney scratched his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "I guess it never really came up."

Curiosity mixed with a hint of concern swirled in Selena's mind. "But Barney, we tell each other everything. Why keep this a secret?"

He managed a small smile, his fingers brushing against hers. "I know, Sel. It's just that sometimes dreams feel so fragile, like they might slip away if you talk about them too much."

Her gaze softened, understanding his perspective. "I get it, Barney. But remember, you have people who believe in you. And no dream is too big to discuss."

Barney met her eyes, gratitude shining in his gaze. "Thanks, Sel. I appreciate your support."

Selena's curiosity piqued, and she leaned forward. "So, what's this audition about?"

Barney's eyes gleamed with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I'm trying out for a role in a TV show. I've always wanted to be an actor, you know?"

Her surprise transformed into genuine enthusiasm. "That's amazing, Barney! I had no idea. You've got this!"

Stolen Kisses, Pretty Lies! (Selena Gomez.) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now