Between Two Worlds.

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In a luxurious Parisian restaurant, Selena, Raquelle, Gracie, and Olivia were seated at a beautifully set table. The soft glow of the chandeliers above added to the elegance of the room. Olivia sat with her mother, Selena, beside her.

"Mom, did you see how much I ate? I'm really full," Olivia said, holding her tiny tummy and making a cute pout.

Selena smiled and playfully coaxed, "Come on, Lily, just a few more bites. You know you need to take your medicine after dinner, and it works best when you've eaten enough."

"But they taste so bad, Mom," Olivia replied with a frown. "I don't like them."

Raquelle chimed in, "Olivia, sweetheart, those medicines help you feel better. We know they're not your favorite, but you need to be strong."

Gracie, offering her support, added, "Yeah, Livie, we all take things we don't like sometimes because it's good for us."

Olivia's frustration mounted, and she exclaimed, "You're all very bad for making me eat icky stuff!"

Selena quickly reassured her, "Okay, sweetie, we won't force you. No more medicine talk. You're in charge."

Olivia's eyes welled up with tears, and her lower lip quivered. She hugged Selena tightly, feeling the comfort of her mother's warmth. "I wanna go home," she sobbed, her voice filled with exhaustion.

Selena tenderly stroked Olivia's hair, her heart aching at her daughter's distress. "Oh, my sweet baby, you've had a long day. We'll go home right away."

Back at their hotel room, Selena lovingly prepared a cozy bed for her Lily. Olivia, engrossed in her phone, was barely aware of her mother's actions. With a satisfied smile, Selena fluffed up the pillows and gently laid out the blanket, ensuring that her daughter would be comfortable.

In the midst of that, Olivia decided to make a quick call to Y/N, whom she affectionately referred to as John:

"Hi John!" Olivia's voice was filled with excitement.

Y/N, hearing her cheerful tone, couldn't help but smile as he answered, "Hey, Lily!"

Olivia began to share her day's events with him, her voice slightly irritated, "You know what, John? My mom is so bad. She made me eat so many icky medicines, saying they're healthy."

Y/N couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Oh no, she did? I'm so mad at her. If I were there, I would've given her a good scolding."

Olivia giggled, pleased that John understood her frustration. "See, you understand me, John!" she said.

Y/N then reminded her, "It's 9 PM, Lily. Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

Olivia, mimicking her mother's reaction, responded with an exasperated tone, "Now you sound just like her. 🤦🏻‍♀️"

Apologizing for the interruption, Y/N explained, "I'm sorry, Lily, but I'll call you right back. My girlfriend is calling me."

Holding no grudge, Olivia advised, "Don't make her angry. Go, but call me back. I'm bored!"

Y/N assured her, "Sure, give me a minute," and ended the call, knowing he would be chatting with Lily again very soon.

Raquelle joined Olivia as she was sitting on her bed, chatting with a smile on her face. "Were we talking to our friends?" Raquelle inquired with curiosity.

"A friend, and he's quite famous, you know," Olivia bragged in her sweet, childlike voice. "A famous friend. I see. What's his name?" Raquelle asked, engaging in the conversation.

"His name is John," Olivia responded. "Oh, John. So this guy, John. Does he go to the same school as you?" Raquelle probed further, showing interest in Olivia's stories.

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