Denying hearts.

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In Y/N's cozy living room, the trio of Y/N, Sabrina, and Sebastian bustled about, their enthusiasm palpable as they busied themselves with packing for the upcoming journey.

"Hey, where's Evelyn?" Y/N inquired, looking around the room with a hint of curiosity.

Sebastian, already taking on the role of the trip's planner, chimed in, "She's running a bit late, had some work stuff to finish up. She'll be here soon."

As they waited, the suspense didn't linger for too long. The door swung open to reveal Evelyn's vivacious entrance. Clutching two vibrant bouquets, her face practically radiated infectious excitement, spreading cheer like wildfire.

"Congratulations, Seb and Y/N!" Evelyn exclaimed, moving in to hug both of them, her energy overflowing.

Sabrina, ever curious, seized the moment to inquire about the reason behind the celebration.

"What's the occasion?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Evelyn beamed, her eyes shining with pride. "It's the 16th anniversary of 'Wizards of Waverly Place.' A huge deal for your boyfriend and best friend here."

Y/N, ever humble, tried to downplay the significance. "Come on, it's not that big of a deal."

But Sabrina, who knew the depth of Y/N's involvement in the show, was having none of it.

"Of course, it is, babe," Sabrina said, pulling Y/N closer and giving him a tender kiss. "You won an Emmy for that show."

Y/N smiled, touched by her words. "Yeah, I loved that show," he admitted, his eyes reflecting fond memories.

Sabrina couldn't help but gush about the show. "You were both amazing on it. And your co-star, Selena Gomez, she was my absolute favorite."

Sebastian, with his mischievous spirit, couldn't resist teasing Y/N a bit, knowing the history between him and Selena. "Yeah, weren't you two dating during that show?"

Y/N shot Sebastian a mock glare but chose to keep the past somewhat vague, preferring to focus on the present.

Sabrina, who had been silent for a moment, then interjected with a playful tone, "It's intriguing you were both dating, and you played her boyfriend in that show."

"Yeah, well, I enjoyed working on that show," Y/N said, pointing at Sebastian. "But the most important thing I gained from it is this guy, a friend who would do anything for you."


As Selena's private jet soared through the skies en route to Italy, she found herself lost in the digital world of social media. Her fingers swiped through countless posts, photos, and videos that filled her feed. Today marked the 16th anniversary of "Wizards of Waverly Place," and her timeline was ablaze with memories from the past.

The videos were a montage of moments, focusing on Selena and Y/N, their on-screen chemistry palpable even through the pixelated screen. They were cast as love interests on the show, and their connection had been truly magical.

One particular post caught Selena's eye—a behind-the-scenes photo featuring herself, Y/N, and Sebastien, all smiles and camaraderie. It was a snapshot of a time when life was simpler, and the three of them had shared laughter and dreams on the set.

As the images and memories flickered by, Selena felt a familiar tug at her heartstrings. She could vividly recall all the times she and Y/N had spent together, both on and off screen. The inside jokes, shared secrets, and the way he'd always know how to make her laugh—those moments had left an indelible mark.

Stolen Kisses, Pretty Lies! (Selena Gomez.) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now