Fine Wine.

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The sun was setting over the magnificent city of Paris as Y/N, Sabrina, Seb, and Evelyn arrived at their luxurious hotel. The elegant lobby was adorned with crystal chandeliers, and a pianist played a soothing melody on the grand piano.

The four of them, jet-lagged but excited, were greeted by a concierge who arranged for their luggage to be taken to their respective rooms. Sabrina's stomach growled loudly, prompting her to groan with hunger. The group huddled together to discuss their dining options for the evening.

Evelyn suggested a charming local bistro known for its exquisite French cuisine. Sabrina countered with the idea of trying a renowned Michelin-star restaurant, while Y/N recommended a cozy café he had heard about.

After a lively debate, they finally reached a consensus, agreeing to try a renowned restaurant that had both Michelin-star quality and a cozy ambiance. Their appetites whetted, they prepared to embark on a delightful culinary journey.

As they waited for their friend Seb to join them, Y/N gazed around the lobby, taking in the opulent surroundings. The rich marbles and glistening mirrors gave the place an air of grandeur that Paris was famous for.

Evelyn leaned over to Sabrina and whispered, "I'm so excited for this trip. Paris has an exquisite charm, doesn't it?"

Sabrina nodded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Absolutely. It's a dream come true. And I'm craving some authentic French pastries!"

Their excitement filled the air, a palpable energy that spoke of adventures yet to come. The promise of extraordinary experiences in the City of Light lay ahead, a beautiful evening ready to unfold.

Meanwhile, Seb was upstairs, racing against time to get ready. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, hoping to look his best for this special evening. Paris had always been a city of romance, and he didn't want to disappoint his friends with his appearance.

The fading daylight bathed the room in a warm, golden glow. He chose his outfit with care, making sure every detail was impeccable. With a satisfied sigh, he glanced at himself and thought, "Time to make memories in the City of Love."

Downstairs in the lobby, Y/N kept a watchful eye on the entrance. He was eager to kick off their Paris adventure with an exquisite dinner. The allure of the French capital was already casting its spell on him.

As they waited, the group shared laughter, dreams, and an unspoken anticipation for the magnificent experiences they would create together. Paris, with its promise of magic and wonder, awaited their exploration.

Their French adventure was only just beginning.

In the midst of the luxurious hotel lobby in Paris, Y/N found himself transported back to a memorable moment in 2012 when he and a young Selena had ventured to London for a holiday. His mind drifted as he thought of that bygone time, a stark contrast to the present where it was Sabrina beside him instead of Selena.

The young couple had been brimming with excitement as they explored the foreign city. Their first international vacation had been a thrilling adventure. Y/N remembered how they made their way to the hotel room, Selena's eyes shimmering with delight.

Selena had playfully unpacked her bag, trying on various dresses and asking for Y/N's opinion on each. Y/N watched with adoration as she twirled in front of him.

"These dresses are all so lovely, but what should I wear?" Selena had giggled, her eyes dancing with happiness.

He'd replied with words as sweet as the wine they'd later savor at dinner. "No matter what you wear, there's no one in this damn world who would come close to how pretty you are," he'd told her.

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