Fractured constellations.

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Sebastian leaned against the wall, his curiosity evident. "Are you sure that was Selena's daughter?"

Y/N, grappling with the revelation, replied, "Yes. Lily told me herself."

"How is that possible?" Sebastian questioned, probing for an explanation. "Selena Gomez has a child and nobody in the world knows?"

"I don't know," Y/N admitted, a sense of confusion in his voice.

Sebastian inquired about Lily's age, "How old is she?"

Y/N pondered, "I don't know. 4 or 5 maybe."

Sebastian, deep in thought, trailed off, "What if she is..."

Y/N, dismissive, scoffed, "No, no. That's impossible." He turned away.

"Mhmm?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow, seeking further clarification. "She can't be. She would have..." Y/N trailed off, his mind lost in contemplation.

"I don't understand why she kept me in the shadows," Sebastian muttered, voicing the frustration that lingered in the air.

"Come again," Y/N raised his brow furiously, seeking an explanation.

"I said nothing," Sebastian turned away, avoiding the confrontation.

"YOU WERE TALKING TO SELENA, WEREN'T YOU?" Y/N exclaimed, his frustration boiling over.

Sebastian defended himself, stating, "She is like my sister, you know that."

"You son of a..." Y/N muttered, expressing his displeasure. "What'd you call me?" Sebastian asked furiously.

Their exchange came to an abrupt halt when Sebastian's phone started ringing. Breaking the charged atmosphere, he glanced at the caller ID and announced, "It's her. It's Selena."


Selena found herself immersed in deep contemplation, her brows furrowed in worry as Raquelle stood by her side. Gracie and Olivia returned, but Olivia's demeanor reflected her displeasure. "Go to your room, Lily!" Gracie instructed, prompting Olivia to defiantly stick her tongue out before seeking solace in Selena's arms. Selena, ever the understanding mother, gently inquired, "What happened, Lily? Did Auntie do something?"

Gracie, on the other hand, got straight to the point. "Did you know who she has been in contact with?" There was an unspoken sense of concern exchanged between Raquelle and Selena. "We just met Y/N in the lobby," Gracie revealed, causing Selena's eyes to widen in shock. "Y/N?" Selena exclaimed, surprised. Olivia, still nestled in her mother's lap, added innocently, "Yes. You should have met him, Momma."

Reacting with a burst of fury, Selena abruptly stood up. "That guy is bad news, Lily! Stop talking to him or meeting him, do you understand?" she scolded. Olivia, on the verge of tears, nodded and hurriedly retreated to her room. Attempting to provide solace, Raquelle assured Selena, "It's not her fault." However, Gracie, with a steely determination, hissed, "Yeah, she is innocent. It's Y/N."

Selena, clenching her fists, openly admitted her inner turmoil. "I know, but I don't know how to handle this. I don't want that guy anywhere near our... I mean, 'my' daughter." In response, Raquelle offered a straightforward suggestion, "Then talk to him." The room fell into a contemplative silence, filled with the weight of the difficult conversation Selena knew she had to initiate with Y/N—for the sake of her daughter.
She immediately called Sebastian.


Sebastian's heart sank as he picked up Selena's call, immediately sensing the distress in her voice. "Yes, I'm in Italy. What's happening? Why do you sound so upset?" he asked, treading carefully. Selena's frustration boiled over in her response, "Upset? You bet I am! Don't pretend you don't know why."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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