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Y/N woke up next to his girlfriend, Sabrina. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. Sabrina was still snuggled into him, her breathing steady and rhythmic.

"Good morning," she purred, her eyes still closed, lost in the haze of sleep.

"Morning," Y/N replied, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He felt a sense of tranquility in that moment, the world outside the hotel room momentarily forgotten.

"Don't go yet," Sabrina said, her voice carrying the remnants of sleep.

"I'm going out to get some coffee. That's it," Y/N assured her.

"Come back soon," Sabrina requested, still in the clutches of sleepiness.

"Yes, ma'am!" Y/N replied, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Sabrina smiled, basking in the comfort of the morning embrace.

Y/N walked out, took an elevator down to the hotel's coffee place, and ordered coffee. As he sat down in a quiet corner, memories of Lily flooded his mind. "Is Lily really Raquelle's daughter?" he thought, getting lost in the memories of his past with Selena.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "No! I want it now!" Y/N looked up to see Lily arguing with someone. "Why don't you listen to me?" the voice continued. Y/N couldn't believe his eyes—it was Lily. "And is that Gracie?" he wondered.

"Come on, Lily! Why are you acting so grumpy since last night?" Gracie, Selena's sister, said. Lily spotted Y/N behind Gracie and squealed, running to hug him. Y/N hugged her back, surprised to see her here. Gracie seemed shocked.

"Grace?" Y/N smiled, and Gracie rolled her eyes. "Lily, let's go," Gracie said. "You go!" Lily said to Gracie, turning back to Y/N. "What are you doing here, John?" Lily asked, excitement in her eyes.

"Oh, me? I'm staying here—with my friends. We're on vacation. I told you, remember?" Y/N replied.

"Y/N, leave her alone," Gracie said. "Olivia, let's go! Else, I'll call your mommy."

"We're just talking, Grace. What's wrong? And, by the way, how have you been? Long time no see," Y/N said.

"We're doing great now that you left," Gracie gritted her teeth.

"You know Gracie?" Lily asked Y/N. Before he could answer, Sabrina arrived, looking for him. "Babe, what are you—oh hey, aren't you Selena's sister?" Sabrina asked Gracie. Gracie nodded.

"Hey, nice to meet you. Is Selena here?" Sabrina asked.

"ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY KEEP QUIET!!" Lily growled in her cute but firm voice. "How do you all know each other? John knows Gracie. Gracie knows John. John's girlfriend knows Gracie and my mommy. What's going on?" Lily rambled.

Y/N's smile dropped when he heard Lily say 'My mommy.' He kneeled down to face her and asked, "Lily, honey, do we know your mommy?"

"Lily, let's go!" Gracie tried to hold Lily's hand and take her away, but Lily dropped her hand and stood in front of Y/N.

"Yes, John. You know my mommy. I saw all your movies, and mommy was there in many movies with you," Lily said, looking up at Y/N with admiration.

"What's her name, sweetie?" Y/N asked, his heart pounding.

"Oh, you are so silly, John!" Lily did a cute facepalm. "Her name is Selena," she said, innocently.

"You are Selena's daughter?" Sabrina asked, confused. Y/N was too stunned to speak.

"Yeah, you heard her," Gracie sighed, successfully grabbing Lily and walking away. The revelation hung in the air, leaving Y/N and Sabrina in silent disbelief.

Stolen Kisses, Pretty Lies! (Selena Gomez.) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now