Chapter 6: More Geo's Dashing

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~💛Bosip POV💛~

After what felt like years of looking for this...gang Olley told us about, I think I saw someone who looked like one of them. I've been looking for them for days, though it felt like years, I've been finding places to stay overtime, and asking people if they have seen the AnA Group.

I think I've found one of them though. This guy might have been Astro, he's based off the cube Bob...

Anyway! This Astro guy was in the cube form, and was jumping and speeding through different obstacles. His color was blue and black and he was moving pretty fast...a little too fast.

So much so, the cube went too fast, and he accidentally bumped into me.

We both fell on the ground and the cube turned into a human. He had black hair and a white hat turned the other way, with blue eyes and with freckles. He looked up at me and widen his eyes

Astro💙: Sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln! It's you! It's really, really you!!

Bosip💛: Huh!?

I was confused, I knew who Astro was, but I didn't know he knew who I was. Astro looked up at me and was very excited. I think he was excited to meet me, or someone from the Bob Gang. I think, just like us, Olley told the AnA Group who the Bob Gang are.

Astro💙: Uh, excuse me. Do you happen to be THE Bosip from The Bob Gang?

Bosip💛: Yes you know me by any chance?

Astro💙: Hell yeah I do!! My creator, Olley told me and my gang a little about y'all!

Just as I expected.

After some time, I told Astro everything, and he tells me that I can stay with them. I actually wanted that to happen because they're the only guys I know out in the city.

He took me to his house and I met him friends. While looking around, I see two people that look identical to Astro. Not sp identical, but a little bit. I see two other people that look alike, one looks like a younger version of the other, and two more people that we're Bob and Bobal.....and a robot cleaning the Bofo...

like Bofo

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???❤: Uhh...little bro, who is this?

Astro💙: Seriously!? You don't know!?

???💛: Hang on...I think that's Bosip from the Bob Gang!!

???💜: Really? That's great news! What is he doing here?

Astro explained to everyone about my issue. For recap, Bob got a new girlfriend named Bella. I was jealous and thought that Bob was happier without me so, I left them. Everyone seemed worried and agreed that I could stay with them. Astro introduced me to his gang....or should I say, his family

Let's see if I know this...

Astro is the blue one, based off the cube.

The red guy and the Yellow girl are his siblings, Asriel and Astrid. Being based off the Ship and the Ball.

The robot who is a project that's still in a work in progress is PJ PowerHour, being based off the UFO.

The Waev is Ashton. His color is Green. He's Astro, Asriel and Astrids Father.

They're little brother is Asher, he's based off the Spider. He is the youngest and the one with different colored eyes.

The one with darker skin is Allen. He's based off the robot. He's a friend, not a family member, but the only one he's related with is the Swing Copter, Amanda

Amanda is the peachy-orange colored hair. She's based off the Swing Copter and is Allens Cousin. The both of them are not related with anyone else in the family

Everyone seems very nice and sweet. I'm very happy I'm able to stay with them now..if course, I'm sad now that I'm not in the Bob Gang anymore, but at least I won't disturb Bobs Happy life anymore....

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