Chapter 7: Double Trouble

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~💜Bella POV💜~

I've been thinking about what recently happened with Bob and I. It's not that I want to get back together with him or anything like that, like him, I think we're better off....friends. Of course, I would go by the Bob Gang house to check up on him, but today....was different....

While I entered the house, I see Bofo, looking very angry. Boder and Bowaev were comforting him and Bob, Bobal and Bobot weren't anywhere. My guess is that they're in their rooms
Bofo looks up at me, he tries to smile but is still angry

Bofo🖤: Ah Bella!...How've you been?

Bella💜: Uhh...good..? What's going on?

Boder walked up to me right after I said that. He looked over at Bofo, then looked back at me

Boder🤍: *Bofo is just very mad right now. He got mad at Bobal since he was being rude and talking smack about Bob*

That didn't surprise me. Of course Bobal did that. It just seems like he's gotta complain about everything at this point. I asked the boys if Bob was home, and he was, he was just in his room. I walked over to Bobs Door....but something stopped me from doing so....

"'s you. What the hell are you doing here?"

 What the hell are you doing here?"

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Bobal looked very mad

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Bobal looked very mad....than usual. I walked over to Bobal and asked what he wanted....again.

Bobal🤎: I'm surprised to see you also caused harm ya know

Bella💜: Bobal, you still don't get it. I thought Bofo told you already. Bob meant no harm, and all I did was date him

Bobal🤎: Yeah, and you made Bosip sad too! Don't act so innocent!

Bella💜: Listen Bobal, I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now!

Bobal kept on going on with how Bob and I caused harm to the gang and Bosip
First off, I understand why the gang would feel bad, but not super bad. This is only a Bob, Bosip and I thing. While Bobal was talking, I felt a fit of rage go through my body. Which is weird because I never get mad, but today felt...different
While I was getting mad, I felt my body heat up as it felt like fire was forming behind me. I just had enough of I just....

so I just

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After my realization, I stood back in shock and looked down. Bobal looked at me in shock and stood back a bit. I felt guilt and sorrow take over me now as all the anger had completely left. I looked at Bobal as a knot began to form in my throat

Bella💜: I....I'm sorry...!

After...I just...ran past him..

I ran to the living room and ran out the door...

While I was running...I...thought of something...something that was very important...

I..forgot to check on Bob....who knows what he's up to now...

Divided Into Two//BnB AU Story// MO!AU Issue 1Where stories live. Discover now